First many thanks to Freddy, for the Catico link, it is now in English and works great so far! Now I need some clever peeps! Task scheduler has an option to update documents in a folder. What I want is a macro that will do the same but with the added function of changing the part and assembly views to iso, then zoomed to fit and finally to save the part or assembly document. If this is a drawing document, I want to zoom to fit, and then save, only. Why would I want this you may ask, well as I do a lot of prototyping work, I quite often need to zoom in a document, ( to get a dimension), for example. When I have finished, I then "save all", so that all documents are saved, (so that I don't miss any changes made). End result = messed up views that can not be seen clearly enough in explorer or Pdmworks! Solidworks crashes mid-stream..... End result 2 = messed up views, Grrrrr! I can record a macro, to do the zoom to fit and the iso view, but only for that file, that is open. What I want is the information on how to get each file in turn, decide if part assembly or drawing document and proceed accordingly. Anyone have the answer? Ps I have googled for the past two weeks and now I am stuck :-( Many thanks if you want to help!!!! :-)