task scheduler dxf export

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by TEXAN, Apr 23, 2004.

  1. TEXAN

    TEXAN Guest

    Can someone confirm that when using the task scheduler to export a
    solidworks drawing to a dxf file that the resulting geometry is not
    true size, not 1:1 scale? I noticed that the user has the option to
    pick the dxf version and the ability to pick a dxf mapping file but
    not the ability to pick the option to export at 1:1 scale. This
    opition is available when exporting manually through solidworks and I
    assumed that since this option was not available that the option
    setting inside solidworks would be used but that does not seem to be
    working that way.
    Also, I have asked this question before but solidworks never gives
    me what I think is the right answer. Why would exporting at 1:1 scale
    be an option anyway, you should always export at 1:1 scale so that the
    resulting geometry is true size. I do remember that at one time
    solidworks did not have the ability to export at 1:1 scale and they
    added this option which is certainly better than nothing but I would
    rather do away with the option and just have everything export at 1:1


    TEXAN, Apr 23, 2004
  2. TEXAN

    Sporkman Guest

    Sam, I've found that sometimes if I don't MANUALLY choose to go through
    Options (when exporting) the resulting DXF isn't necessarily 1:1 scale.
    And I mean even though the default is 1:1 in my Options. I call it a
    "bug", but SolidWorks Corp probably figures it's a "feature". When
    using the Task Scheduler you'd have to open up Options and choose OK
    every time you made an export to be certain that you're getting 1:1.

    How's everything over there in the big, dirty shop on the other side of
    the lake from us?

    Sporkman, Apr 23, 2004
  3. Yes, this happens, really discusting bug!
    Markku Lehtola, Apr 24, 2004
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