Task Scheduler and Creating Prints

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Jake, Sep 14, 2004.

  1. Jake

    Jake Guest

    Can someome explain breifly how to setup a template for a 3-view print to
    use with the task scheduler. Thanks in advance...Jake Barron
    Jake, Sep 14, 2004
  2. I am going to respond kind of blindly so forgive me if I am leading you

    Do you want to set up a template with Predefined Views. You can set 3 views
    on a drawing your first view could be a named view and you can project views
    off of it you can then also add an Isometric view if desired. Then you
    specify the template and all the parts or folders you want drawings for.

    Corey Scheich, Sep 14, 2004
  3. Jake

    Jake Guest

    I think I basically figured it out. I made my predefined template and it ran
    in task scheduler. The only problem I had was when I set up the views one at
    a time...Top, side, front...everything was out of line. So then I tried to
    make a new template and just use the basic 3-view setting, but couldnt get
    it to come out to the 3-views. Like when you just go up and "insert"
    3-Views. Must be just a tad off when setting it up. Been all thru my
    reference book and cant find any help. ANy more suggestions. I just want my
    3 standard views as they would normally come up??? :) JAKE
    Jake, Sep 15, 2004
  4. Once you insert the first Predefined view you can project form it with the
    normal projection tool. This should keep everything in line. I don't know
    about scaling and view location though.

    Corey Scheich, Sep 15, 2004
  5. Jake

    Jake Guest

    Thanks Corey :)

    Jake, Sep 15, 2004
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