Task Manager Right for this?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Ben Eadie, Aug 13, 2004.

  1. Ben Eadie

    Ben Eadie Guest

    We have 1200 drawings (In one folder with no subfolders) that need to have
    the sheet template reloaded (this is 1200 separate files by the way not 600
    files with 2 sheets each). I have a macro to reload the sheet format. What I
    need to have done now is to get either the task manager or the macro to have
    it open each of the 1200 files and then run the reload sheet format macro
    and then close the drawing to go on to the next drawing and repeat 1200

    Now we have task scheduler, but when I try to make a custom task I can tell
    the Program Path should be Solidworks.exe and I can tell it the macro path.
    But after that I am lost. Where do I tell it to go to the folder with the
    1200 *.slddrw files and open each individually process the 'reload sheet
    fomat' macro and close the *.slddrw file? Is this part of the parameters? A
    part of the program arguments? Or is this something I need to code into the
    macro? If I have to code this into the macro, does anyone have an example of
    the code I need to use so I can figure it out?

    Thanks in advance
    Ben Eadie, Aug 13, 2004
  2. Ben Eadie

    Ben Eadie Guest

    One thing I forgot, I need this to, when closing each individual drawing,
    save and close it using the current filename.

    Ben Eadie, Aug 14, 2004

  3. I can't help you with your real question, but I can give you one piece of
    advice. Have your program open SolidWorks, open a file, run the macro, close
    the file, and then CLOSE SolidWorks. If you leave SolidWorks open, it will
    not release memory completely, so your memory will start filling up. Before
    you get your 1200 files done you will probably tank your computer.

    Jerry Steiger
    Tripod Data Systems
    "take the garbage out, dear"
    Jerry Steiger, Aug 14, 2004
  4. Ver. 3 of PropaGator also changes out drawing templates en masse. (Since
    this often accompanies changing custom properties en masse.)
    Even tho it's still not technically out of Beta, I have just posted it on
    the website for easier access. Unless a new rash of complaints crop up,
    I'll be getting the help files in order and "officially" releasing it soon.

    Hope this is helpful to you, Ben. My e-mail's on the website if you have
    any questions or if anyone wants to give feedback directly.

    Brenda D. Bosley, Aug 18, 2004
  5. Ben Eadie

    rocheey Guest

    If you leave SolidWorks open, it will
    I do batch operations on 500-1000 solidworks (operations) on an almost
    daily basis. Most of the mem probs Ive run into has been the code
    itself, not releasing objects, etc. Although I have run into one
    issue; if I make a view
    in a drawing, (which references a model), and then DELETE the view,
    the model reference stays in memory. I have to also, at the very
    least, close the drawing.
    rocheey, Aug 18, 2004
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