tapped hole callouts

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by skiboat, Jun 25, 2003.

  1. skiboat

    skiboat Guest

    I wish to be able to change a batch of detail drawings hole callouts
    from M10 x 1.5 Tapped Hole to M10 x 1.5 -6H and was wondering if there
    is a way to access the text in a find and replace all kind of way
    external to sw.
    I wish then to be able to change the hole wizard defaults to use -6H
    instead of Tapped Hole on all future cosmetic thread callouts.
    I recall having seen some posts in the past that refer to the .mdb
    files that contain this data.
    skiboat, Jun 25, 2003
  2. I'm not sure of a quick way to change all existing callouts, maybe one of
    the API gurus can help you. I do know, however, how to make the change to
    the default to get rid of the ridiculous "tapped hole" callout. You are
    right in assuming you must modify the mdb files. I think the one you need
    to mess with is ansimetric.mdb. You'll need MS Access to open these files.
    Copy this file as a backup and then make your changes. I believe your
    change is simple in that on the Index tab you simply need to replace "Tapped
    Hole" with "-6H". Save the file and start SWX. Model a metric hole and see
    if the callout changed. If you want to go back to the original you need to
    open your safety copy of ansimetric.mdb and save without making changes.
    For some reason the date stamp is important to SWX in that you can't go back
    to an earlier version without making the date code more current than your
    recently modified file.

    I did a whole big write-up on this a while back so search the group for it.
    Search ansiinch and you'll find it.

    Mickey Reilley, Jun 25, 2003
  3. skiboat

    skiboat Guest

    Thanks Mickey - that worked a treat, in the index tab for future tap callouts
    skiboat, Jun 26, 2003
  4. actually if you replace this line

    If swNote.GetText = FindText Then

    with this line

    If LCase(swNote.GetText) = LCase(FindText) Then

    then the macro would no longer be case sensitive

    Corey Scheich, Jun 26, 2003
  5. skiboat

    skiboat Guest

    Corey - I changed the find and replace routine to include some other
    tap descriptions. My attempts at wildcarding before Tapped Hole didn't
    The lowercase mod works as well - thanks again

    Set Part = swApp.ActiveDoc
    'this function is case sensitive and only searches for a whole note
    'if your notes are all identical you can use this with no mods except
    'changing the find and replace text. Otherwise you might have to do a
    'of work
    FindAndReplace "M6X1.0 Tapped Hole", "M6x1.0 -6H"
    FindAndReplace "M8X1.25 Tapped Hole", "M8x1.25 -6H"
    FindAndReplace "M10X1.5 Tapped Hole", "M10x1.5 -6H"
    FindAndReplace "M12X1.75 Tapped Hole", "M12x1.75 -6H"
    End Sub
    skiboat, Jun 27, 2003
  6. you will have to do something like search the string for tapped hole

    position = instr (1,

    use the position variable in your if statement instead of

    If LCase(swNote.GetText) = LCase(FindText) Then

    that will return a number if the string is found representing the
    location of the text you are looking for. ("Tapped Hole") You can then
    use this value like this

    swNote.SetText = Left(swNote.GetString, Position) & "-6H Tapped Hole"

    maybe ,Position - 1)

    if you incorporate this right it will change any note that has the
    words Tapped Hole in it, if you really get into it you can add a form
    to this all and make it do a find next thing just like in word but
    that would take a bit of work.
    Corey Scheich, Jun 27, 2003
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