Tank car unloading station

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by cindy, Oct 15, 2003.

  1. cindy

    cindy Guest

    Help! Does anyone have a detail of a tanker rail car unloading station
    (riser)? It will be for caustic but I would think other materials
    would be similar. Remove the x in my email address to send one. Many
    thanks in advance.
    cindy, Oct 15, 2003
  2. cindy

    Longshot Guest

    what type of product? gas? liquid?

    type of unloading? gravity drop? suction? aspiration & fall protection

    are you looking for 3d model or details?
    Longshot, Oct 15, 2003
  3. cindy

    cindy Guest

    Product is a liquid caustic. It will be for a rail car with top
    connections. No aspiration or fall protection is required. It will be
    air padded to force the caustic out. somthing like a cantilivered arm
    out over the track with the product and air hoses coming down from it
    to attach to the top of the rail car. The operator would ascend the
    stairs on the tank car platform. I don't need a 3d model just the 2d
    details. Thanks.
    cindy, Oct 15, 2003
  4. cindy

    Longshot Guest

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