Tangent through a fixed point on an ellipse

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by tim, Jul 25, 2005.

  1. tim

    tim Guest

    This issue must have been covered in this forum in the past, but I
    could not find any relevant topics when I did a quick search. So here

    I have an ellipse with a series of datum points placed on its
    perimeter. How do I draw a tangent & normal to the ellipse located at
    these points?

    I have been struggling with this in the sketched mode, but for some
    reason wildfire will not allow me to force a tangent line to pass
    through a predefined point.

    I might be able to eventually figure it out by writing up mathematical
    equations, but thought there should be a less painfull way of doing


    tim, Jul 25, 2005
  2. tim

    Jeff Howard Guest

    You can do it, but ellipses, conic arcs and splines tend to confuse the
    sketcher constraint solver every now and then. (I've had problems getting
    the constraint, shut down and re-started Pro/E, and then could get
    everything to work. Go figure...)

    I've also found working with "centerlines" (vs. "lines") to be more
    problematic (wants to break the conincident constraint before allowing

    If all else fails create planes normal to curve thru pts and reference

    If you want to see how it's "supposed" to work; sketch an ellipse, drop a
    sketch point on it, start a line on the sketch point and "rubber band" the
    line around, approx tangent to the ellipse, and you should see a "T"
    highlight when within constraint tolerance. Shift + RMB when it's visible
    to lock it in and finish creating the line segment.
    Jeff Howard, Jul 25, 2005
  3. tim

    shaun Guest

    Are you using the Intent Manager?
    shaun, Jul 25, 2005
  4. tim

    cad/cam/guy Guest

    as long as the datum points were created on the curve..length
    ratio/actual len you should be okay

    create a datum axis tan curve.. pick ellipse, spline .. curve then the
    create another datum axist >point normal plane the plane the curve is
    on and then point you will use it later

    now create a plane thru you tan curve axis , normal to the plane the
    curve is on
    and finally another plane thru the point norma plane axis and normal
    to the plane you just created

    now you can move all around the curve/ellipse by modifying the length
    ratio point, it doesn't do it in sketcher ..but if you need is to put a
    cut /hole/ extrusion at at tangent point later into the
    curve/spline/ellipse it works
    cad/cam/guy, Jul 25, 2005
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