I still use a summa lll tablet occasionally in R2005 and am trying to tweak tablet 1 so that I can insert blocks from my library without getting the insert dialogue box. When I go to modify my menu ( name.mnu ) I need to add text to various lines in tablet 1. I am wondering if the text below is what I need to do this : ^c^c^c-insert c:\\detail\w36 Again, I want to avoid the insert dialogue box and just insert these blocks to a particular OSnap. I want to be able to explode some of these also and not sure the text to add to do that. Thank you in advance.
I use this to change the current layer, insert a block then explode it... *^C^Cclayer;s-hatch;(command "-insert" "block name" pause pause "" pause)(COMMAND "EXPLODE" "L" "" "") this will pause for pick point pause for x scale automatically return for y scale and pause for rotation if you dont want it to pause just replace the pause with dbl quotes "" Rick
I can never remember without digging into it again what the slashes are supposed to do in file paths in lisp, but shouldn't you have both backslashes doubled, or use single forward slashes? I just put all such files in folders that are in my support file search path in Options, so I don't have to worry about paths. If you do that, you can just put this on a Tablet line: ^C^C-insert w36 (Two cancels should be enough.) That leaves you at the insertion point prompt, and the rest is just the usual insert command. Rick's can also be done more simply: *^C^Cclayer <layername> -insert <blockname> \\;\ EXPLODE L ; but if you don't ALWAYS want them exploded, you'd need separate menu items, with and without. [In tablet and screen and pop-down menu items where I'm not defun-ing something, I don't usually bother with (command) for things that can be done in simple macro form. It just takes more code and doesn't have any compensating advantage I can think of. But sometimes you do need it, as for the result of an (if) operation.] There's a lot more you can do if you want, like replace that second backslash with some predetermined scale factor, or replace the last one with a ; if you always put them in at zero rotation, or build in an Osnap call if you always use the same one, etc.
You can double the back slashes \\\\g12\\support\\blocks\\sect\\cut or You can use forward slashes like this "//G12/Support/blocks/SECT/CUT" <-- .dwg not req'd that's the way I do it. I just like to keep all of my stuff looking the same sometimes all of those ;;;;;; get to be trouble to look at. Also I have allot of my blocks automatically scale themselves by the dimscale or maybe pick a point and the rest is completed for you. A couple of mine still look like menu macros but I like the ( ) separating the steps. Rick