Tables and Equations

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by KWSchneider, May 23, 2004.

  1. KWSchneider

    KWSchneider Guest

    Is there a way to drive a Part dimension in a Design Table from an
    Assembly equation?

    Example - say length of part1=length of part2 at the assembly level
    [driven by equation]. Part1 is a standard shaped part, used multiple
    times in the assembly and is driven by a design table for other
    dimensions [like width and thickness].

    Or conversely, is there a way to uniquely name configurations at the
    assembly level [configurations driven by a design table] and then pass
    the $config parameter as well as the dimension via the equation editor
    at the assembly level?

    Example - as above but use the $config in the equation editor somehow
    to reference the dimension of the appropriate config in a design


    NH, USA
    KWSchneider, May 23, 2004
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