Table Driven Part Configurations in Assemblies Question

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Aron \(\), Sep 24, 2007.

  1. Hi,

    I used a Table to drive the angular dimensions of 18 brackets... and saved
    the one Part file with the 18 configurations.

    It worked, so that is fine and good.

    Now I want to make an Assembly with 18 configurations of that bracket, and
    one PEM nut in the same place on each bracket...

    What would be the "name of the part file configuration variable"
    (bracket_config<1>@file whatever?) to put into the Excel file for the table
    in the assembly that points to the configuration (1 thru 18) in the Part

    The ultimate goal here it to have "1 Part file with 18 configurations"
    (currently working) and "1 Assembly file with each of the 18 Part
    Configurations" as part of the assembly file (not working)

    NOTE: As mentioned before the bracket will also have a CLS (4-40) Pem
    Fastener from the toolbox installed if that is important.

    I guess I am not smart enough for this problem... yet!

    I cannot seem to find this in SW Help...

    Thank you,

    SW2007, SP4.0
    Aron \(\), Sep 24, 2007
  2. Aron \(\)

    Krister_L Guest

    The name would be "$CONFIGURATION@PART<1>

    I'll send You a file to show how it's done.

    // Krister
    Krister_L, Sep 24, 2007
  3. Aron \(\)

    Dale Dunn Guest

    I cannot seem to find this in SW Help...

    Search the help for "summary of design table parameters". I have found it
    very helpful to memorize that phrase.
    Dale Dunn, Sep 24, 2007
  4. Aron \(\)

    jon_banquer Guest

    To add to what Krister said that names of the part configurations that
    you type in are case sensitive.
    jon_banquer, Sep 24, 2007
  5. Aron \(\)

    Krister_L Guest

    Directly from the SW help file: The parameter syntax (header cells)
    are not case sensitive.

    // Krister
    Krister_L, Sep 24, 2007
  6. Aron \(\)

    jon_banquer Guest

    Directly from the SW help file: The parameter syntax (header cells)
    Directly from SolidProfessor video:

    "The property is not case sensitive but the actual names you type in
    jon_banquer, Sep 24, 2007
  7. Aron \(\)

    Cliff Guest

    With a legal seat of actual non-student-demo SW you might have help files ....
    Cliff, Sep 24, 2007
  8. Wow, Thanks everybody!

    I will give it a try soon...

    As usual, I got pulled off this to another side project, but will write back
    in a few days or so.

    Again thanks for the responses and emails,


    P.S And of course, thanks for not using the F-word... and by F-word I mean:
    Fun, Fine, & Fantastic...;->
    Aron \(\), Sep 25, 2007
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