table block

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by john m, Oct 22, 2004.

  1. john m

    john m Guest

    what is the difference between a table and a table block?

    if i want to resize a row height based on how much text is in the cells how
    can i begin?

    i am reading a large amount of text into a cell and then i want to get rid
    of the white space at the end of the paragraph.

    any ideas?


    john m, Oct 22, 2004
  2. john m

    john m Guest

    now i see that if i start with a small row height it will grow to accomodate
    my text

    still wonder what the table block is
    john m, Oct 22, 2004
  3. post your code so we know what you're doing

    -- Mike
    Mike Tuersley
    CADalyst's CAD Clinic
    Rand IMAGINiT Technologies
    the trick is to realize that there is no spoon...
    Mike Tuersley, Oct 22, 2004
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