TAB(ing) thru Smart Mates orientation

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by kenneth b, Nov 14, 2003.

  1. kenneth b

    kenneth b Guest

    anyone having trouble using tab with smart mates on countersunk screws?

    although i can tab and watch screw flip, it doesn't stay after accepting
    position (release LMB). i always have to use the "flip mate alignment" from
    that little jack-ass pop-up mate menu.

    at this stage i'm not crazy about the direction mates has taken. maybe
    after further use i will change my mind.

    kenneth b
    kenneth b, Nov 14, 2003
  2. What do you mean by "release LMB"? I double click one part surface, single
    click the mating surface, hands off the mouse, and then hit tab. Works for
    Mickey Reilley, Nov 14, 2003
  3. kenneth b

    kenneth b Guest

    1) drag (use Left Mouse Button) from feature palette or toolbox
    2) tab thru orientation
    3) release Left Mouse Button
    kenneth b, Nov 14, 2003
  4. kenneth b

    kenneth b Guest

    shouldn't need a step 4. the method i described works fine in '03.

    looks like the problem is in '04 sp1. i just rolled back to sp0 and it's
    almost ok.

    at least when you tab in sp0 it sticks, but you still have to select the
    check mark on that mate pop-up menu (extra step which wasn't required in

    i thought upgrades were supposed to increase productivity?
    kenneth b, Nov 14, 2003
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