T-Splines and Rhino

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Jerry Steiger, Sep 24, 2007.

  1. Has anyone been trying out T-splines? If so, what do you think about them?
    It seems like T-splines and Rhino might make life a little easier for those
    generating "interesting" shapes. Of course, I really want it integrated in
    SW, but I'll take the Rhino to SW import for now if it looks good enough.

    Jerry Steiger
    Jerry Steiger, Sep 24, 2007
  2. Jerry Steiger

    jon_banquer Guest

    Is there some reason you can't convey to Matt or Tom Sederberg that
    you wish to see T-splines integrated in SolidWorks?

    jon_banquer, Sep 25, 2007
  3. Jerry Steiger

    jon_banquer Guest

    jon_banquer, Sep 25, 2007
  4. Jerry Steiger

    bvw Guest

    Yeah , i have tried it (for about 3 hours).
    but the conversion from a solidworks solid to a T-spline polysurface model
    was not easy.

    But i am not very familiar with rhino yet.
    And i dont have the time (yet) to go to a deeper understanding.

    I have tryed to push around a simple box. to a complex smooth shape, and
    that works very good.

    I will probably buy the licence on what i have seen yet.

    I will inform you and the group if i succeed in healing a solidworksmodel
    with T-splines.

    best regards
    bvw, Sep 25, 2007

  5. Thanks, Jon. (I can't believe I'm writing this!)

    Reading a number of posts on the forum was quite helpful. I learned a couple
    of things of interest. One is that there don't exist (right now) tools for
    exactly matching a T-Spline shape to an existing shape. A second is that
    offsetting a T-Spline shape in Rhino doesn't yield a T-Spline shape and you
    can easily run into the usual problems, such as open edges. A third is that
    the T-Spline interface appears to be a step beyond the Rhino interface,
    which is already a long ways away from the SolidWorks interface. All in all,
    not too encouraging right now.

    Jerry Steiger
    Jerry Steiger, Sep 25, 2007
  6. Jerry Steiger

    Cliff Guest

    Reading comprehension problems yet again?

    You have no clues what's involved. None. Absolutely none.

    What's a "kernel", clueless? What's an "entity"? What's "associativity"?
    What are import/export & things like IGES all about?
    How about user interfaces? Or even simple shop math?
    Any clues about "foreign" surfaces types in CAM or CAD/CAM
    packages? Or making pretty pictures of same in CAD or CAD/CAM?
    What are surfaces? Faces?

    BTW, Still laughing about your Rhino kernel bit ...
    Cliff, Sep 26, 2007
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