Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by T.Willey, Jul 27, 2004.

  1. T.Willey

    T.Willey Guest

    I sometimes work with 10 or more drawings open. When I need to compare two drawings I tile them with the command "SYSWINDOWS", or pick the option I want from the "Window" pull-down menu.

    I was wondering if anyone knows how I can make this work better or faster. The way I was imaging it working was:
    After you start the command a dialog opens up with all the drawings listed (that are open in the current session of acad) with a toggle on the bottom for "Vertical" because I use "Horizontal" more so that would be my default.
    Then select the drawings that I want to tile.
    Right now it will tile all the drawings open, and then I have to minimize then ones I don't want to compare.

    I'm not sure how to do this, and only really need some direction, but if someone has a lisp, why reinvent the wheel. I'm willing to do the work, I'm just stumped where would I find out how to use the command "SYSWINDOWS" to my advantage, or if there is another route I have to take.

    Thanks for any suggestions,
    T.Willey, Jul 27, 2004
  2. T.Willey

    jclaidler Guest

    jclaidler, Jul 27, 2004
  3. T.Willey

    T.Willey Guest

    That looks pretty cool but not big enough for me to compare drawing info.

    T.Willey, Jul 27, 2004
  4. T.Willey

    C Witt Guest

    not a solution, but a question..

    Does "Ctrl+Tab" not suffice?
    C Witt, Jul 27, 2004
  5. T.Willey

    T.Willey Guest

    For C Witt,

    Not really, because all it does is cycle through the drawings. If I only had the two open I
    was comparing, then yes that would work, but since I have 10 open I would have to cycle through all 10 to get back to the first one.
    I was looking for something that will allow me to select a couple of drawings, then it would only tile those drawings.

    I couldn't post through outlook, not sure why could just be I don't know what I'm doing there, so I posted on the web site.


    ps. this thread is out of sync.
    T.Willey, Jul 27, 2004
  6. T.Willey

    T.Willey Guest

    I got it to work, but I get this error on the original drawing
    ; error: bad argument type: VLA-OBJECT nil
    I have tried all I could think of, and I still get it. If anyone can get rid of it it would be greatly appreciated. If anyone has anycomments on it please post. I don't know much about the vlax-.. functions, but I used them here, but not sure if there is a better way of doing it.

    Here is the code:

    (defun c:TileSelect(/ tx1 tx2 tx3 tx4 tx5 tx6 tx7 tx8 tx9 op1 tlng1 tlng2 nowopen newdwg)

    (setq tx3 nil
    tx4 nil
    tx5 (vla-get-documents (vlax-get-acad-object))
    nowopen (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object))
    (vlax-for item tx5
    (setq tx3 (vla-get-name item))
    (setq tx4 (append tx4 (list tx3)))
    (while (/= (vlax-get item 'WindowState) 2)
    (vlax-put item 'WindowState 2)
    (vlax-release-object item)

    (if tx4
    (setq tx4 (vl-sort tx4 '<))
    (setq op1 (load_dialog "CloseDwg.dcl"))
    (if (not (new_dialog "Cdrawings" op1))
    (start_list "tx2" 3); clear the list
    (mapcar 'add_list tx4)
    (action_tile "accept"
    (setq tx2 (get_tile \"tx2\"))
    (setq tx9 (get_tile \"d-save\"))
    (done_dialog 1)
    (action_tile "cancel"
    (setq tx2 nil)
    (setq tx9 (get_tile \"d-save\"))
    (done_dialog 1)
    (if tx2
    (setq tlng2 "0")



    (defun Tiling()

    (setq tx7 (read (strcat "(" tx2 ")")))
    (setq tlng1 (vl-list-length tx7))
    (setq tlng2 (itoa (fix tlng1)))

    (repeat (fix tlng1)
    (setq tx6 (car tx7))
    (setq tx8 (nth tx6 tx4))
    (vlax-for item tx5
    (if (= tx8 (vla-get-name item))
    (vlax-put item 'WindowState 1)
    (setq newdwg item)
    (vla-activate nowopen)
    (vlax-release-object item)
    (setq tx7 (cdr tx7))
    (vla-activate nowopen)
    (command "_.syswindows" "_H")
    (vlax-release-object newopen)
    (vla-activate newdwg)


    Here is the dcl I used to test it (don't worry about the button on the bottom, it does nothing with this routine).

    Cdrawings : dialog{
    label = "Select Drawings";
    : row {
    : list_box {
    label = "layers";
    key = "tx2";
    width = 80;
    height = 20;
    multiple_select = true;
    : toggle {
    label = "Save drawing?";
    key = "d-save";

    : row {
    : spacer { width = 1; }

    : button { // defines the OK button
    label = "OK";
    is_default = true;
    allow_accept = true;
    key = "accept";
    width = 8;
    fixed_width = true;

    : button { // defines the Cancel button
    label = "Cancel";
    is_cancel = true;
    key = "cancel";
    width = 8;
    fixed_width = true;

    : spacer { width = 1;}


    T.Willey, Jul 28, 2004
  7. T.Willey

    T.Willey Guest

    I made a couple of changes, but I still can't get it to finish right. It seems to not switch back to the original drawing I have open. I used the (vl-bb-set... to set the original drawing so that I can switch back from any drawing that is open, but it doesn't seem to work. I need it to switch back because it won't work right if it doesn't. It lags on this line "(command "_.syswindows" "_H")", but yet it still sets the drawings to be tiled horizontal.

    Any help is appreciated.

    (defun c:TileSelect(/ tx1 tx2 tx3 tx4 tx5 tx6 tx7 tx8 tx9 op1 tlng1 tlng2 nowopen newdwg)

    (setq tx3 nil
    tx4 nil
    tx5 (vla-get-documents (vlax-get-acad-object))
    (vl-bb-set 'nowopen (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object)))
    (vlax-for item tx5
    (setq tx3 (vla-get-name item))
    (setq tx4 (append tx4 (list tx3)))
    (while (/= (vlax-get item 'WindowState) 2)
    (vlax-put item 'WindowState 2)

    (if tx4
    (setq tx4 (vl-sort tx4 '<))
    (setq op1 (load_dialog "CloseDwg.dcl"))
    (if (not (new_dialog "Cdrawings" op1))
    (start_list "tx2" 3); clear the list
    (mapcar 'add_list tx4)
    (action_tile "accept"
    (setq tx2 (get_tile \"tx2\"))
    (setq tx9 (get_tile \"d-save\"))
    (done_dialog 1)
    (action_tile "cancel"
    (setq tx2 nil)
    (setq tx9 (get_tile \"d-save\"))
    (done_dialog 1)
    (if tx2
    (command "_.syswindows" "_H")



    (defun Tiling()

    (setq tx7 (read (strcat "(" tx2 ")")))
    (setq tlng1 (vl-list-length tx7))
    (setq tlng2 (itoa (fix tlng1)))
    (repeat (fix tlng1)
    (setq tx6 (car tx7))
    (setq tx8 (nth tx6 tx4))
    (vlax-for item tx5
    (if (= tx8 (vla-get-name item))
    (vlax-put item 'WindowState 1)
    (setq tx7 (cdr tx7))
    (vla-activate (vl-bb-ref 'nowopen))
    (vlax-for item tx5
    (vlax-release-object item)
    T.Willey, Jul 28, 2004
  8. T.Willey

    T.Willey Guest

    Ok, I got it to work the way I want it to. Here it is if anyone wants it. Any comments are welcome.

    (defun c:TileSelect(/ tx1 tx3 tx4 tx5 tx6 tx7 tx8 tx9 op1 tlng1 nowopen newdwg choice1 nopen)

    (setq tx3 nil
    tx4 nil
    tx5 (vla-get-documents (vlax-get-acad-object))
    (vl-bb-set 'nowopen (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object)))
    (vlax-for item tx5
    (setq tx3 (vla-get-name item))
    (setq tx4 (append tx4 (list tx3)))
    (while (/= (vlax-get item 'WindowState) 2)
    (vlax-put item 'WindowState 2)
    (if tx4
    (setq tx4 (vl-sort tx4 '<))
    (setq op1 (load_dialog "CloseDwg.dcl"))
    (if (not (new_dialog "Cdrawings" op1))
    (set_tile "choice1" "Vertical? (check box above)")
    (start_list "tx2" 3); clear the list
    (mapcar 'add_list tx4)
    (action_tile "accept"
    (setq tx2 (get_tile \"tx2\"))
    (vl-bb-set 'tx9 (get_tile \"d-save\"))
    (done_dialog 1)
    (action_tile "cancel"
    (setq tx2 nil)
    (vl-bb-set 'tx9 nil)
    (vlax-put (vl-bb-ref 'nowopen) 'WindowState 3)
    (done_dialog 1)
    (if (/= tx2 "")
    ((= (vl-bb-ref 'tx9) "0")
    (command "_.syswindows" "_H")
    ((= (vl-bb-ref 'tx9) "1")
    (command "_.syswindows" "_V")
    (vlax-put (vl-bb-ref 'nowopen) 'WindowState 3)
    (vl-bb-set 'nowopen nil)
    (vl-bb-set 'tx9 nil)


    (defun Tiling()

    (setq tx7 (read (strcat "(" tx2 ")")))
    (setq tlng1 (vl-list-length tx7))
    (repeat (fix tlng1)
    (setq tx6 (car tx7))
    (setq tx8 (nth tx6 tx4))
    (if (= tx8 (vla-get-name (vl-bb-ref 'nowopen)))
    (setq nopen "y")
    (vlax-for item tx5
    (if (= tx8 (vla-get-name item))
    (vlax-put item 'WindowState 1)
    (setq tx7 (cdr tx7))
    (if (not tx7)
    (vlax-put (vl-bb-ref 'nowopen) 'WindowState 1)
    (vlax-for item tx5
    (vlax-release-object item)
    (if (/= nopen "y")
    (vlax-put (vl-bb-ref 'nowopen) 'WindowState 2)
    (vla-activate (vl-bb-ref 'nowopen))


    Cdrawings : dialog{
    label = "Select Drawings";
    : row {
    : list_box {
    label = "layers";
    key = "tx2";
    width = 80;
    height = 20;
    multiple_select = true;
    : toggle {
    key = "d-save";
    : text {
    key = "choice1";

    : row {
    : spacer { width = 1; }

    : button { // defines the OK button
    label = "OK";
    is_default = true;
    allow_accept = true;
    key = "accept";
    width = 8;
    fixed_width = true;

    : button { // defines the Cancel button
    label = "Cancel";
    is_cancel = true;
    key = "cancel";
    width = 8;
    fixed_width = true;

    : spacer { width = 1;}



    T.Willey, Jul 30, 2004
  9. A minor style point which doesn't matter on this occasion, but would in
    some performance-critical place:
    As the order of stuff in tx4 doen't matter here (you sort it anyway), it
    would be more efficient to do this as
    (setq tx4 (cons tx3 tx4))

    - append has to copy all of tx4, cons just adds one cell to the front of
    the list.

    Martti Halminen, Aug 5, 2004
  10. T.Willey

    T.Willey Guest

    Thanks for pointing that out, I didn't know that. I will be more aware now of that situation.

    T.Willey, Aug 5, 2004
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