System Slow down with ADT 2004

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by tevans1, Apr 27, 2004.

  1. tevans1

    tevans1 Guest

    We recently upgraded our hardware with 2.8gig cpu, 1 gig DDR ram and 128mb video cards. This was done the same time we installed ADT 2004. Now there is a noticeable delay whenever we open a drawing, select open from the menu, select an object to move, copy, rotate etc. We are on a server (NOVELL none the less) and the workstations are pathed to several shared files in order to have some since of CAD standards control. I do not know if this slow down is caused by the network, a configuration issue or hardware related. We have received ADT 2005 but I want to get these issues resolved before I upgrade to 2005. Anyone else experience this or have any idea of where to start to pin down the problem? Any help/suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    Ted Evans
    CAD Manager
    RadioShack Corporation
    tevans1, Apr 27, 2004
  2. What is the speed on your network?
    Antivirus softwares?
    Is it only when having the project navigator in use?
    Has this always been so slow?

    Best Regards, Jimmy Bergmark
    CAD and Database Developer Manager at
    Take a look at
    JTB FlexReport (FLEXlm report tool) -
    SmartPurger (Purges automatically) -
    or download some freeware at
    More on AutoCAD 2005;

    video cards. This was done the same time we installed ADT 2004. Now there is
    a noticeable delay whenever we open a drawing, select open from the menu,
    select an object to move, copy, rotate etc. We are on a server (NOVELL none
    the less) and the workstations are pathed to several shared files in order
    to have some since of CAD standards control. I do not know if this slow down
    is caused by the network, a configuration issue or hardware related. We have
    received ADT 2005 but I want to get these issues resolved before I upgrade
    to 2005. Anyone else experience this or have any idea of where to start to
    pin down the problem? Any help/suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
    Jimmy Bergmark, Apr 27, 2004
  3. tevans1

    rich keitz Guest

    During my newsgroup searches I found numerous messages addressing your
    problem. Search the key work "slow" and you'll find them yourself. The
    problem is typically answered by a number of tech-support questions that go
    round and round in with never a clear answer.

    Format, reload, put in a new network, switch from Novell to Server 2003 then
    back again, don't mix half duplex with full duplex, holly cow you've got a
    hub instead of a switch and wait a second you might be running at 10
    megabits instead of 100 megabits.....


    Bottom line: AutoDesk has taken the path of Microsoft. Everything will work
    fine in a laboratory. Remember how Windows 95 would run on 4 MB? Yeah,
    right! The day AutoDesk purchased SoftDesk and incorporated it into AutoCAD
    they added in a host of problems that have simply been ignored. Millions
    are spent to stop piracy and add features, but it seems nothing is spent to
    make their products enterprise grade. Try working a design in LDD on a
    project across a T1 line and you'll see what I mean. I'm tired of copying
    large civil design projects back and forth so the my engineers can work
    designs with LDD. Why can't they just open the project and work on it
    without waiting for "long periods of time" for every menu selection?

    It's disheartening. I'm pulling my hair out trying to implement CAD
    standards to make it possible for remote offices to work on LDD projects
    without loss of data integrity due to redundancy with data files all over
    the place, etc. At the same time I'm faced with my larger problem I see
    complaints from people who have "slowness" on small LANs. If AutoDesk
    simply irradiated your problem so that their software ran well on any LAN
    regardless of protocol, duplex type, or megabit speed then it might be a
    start in solving my larger problem of using it in an enterprise. Buzzsaw is
    not a solution. Elaborate and expensive document management schemes (where
    the software copies the files for you in the background to keep them local)
    is not a solution either.

    Rich Keitz

    video cards. This was done the same time we installed ADT 2004. Now there is
    a noticeable delay whenever we open a drawing, select open from the menu,
    select an object to move, copy, rotate etc. We are on a server (NOVELL none
    the less) and the workstations are pathed to several shared files in order
    to have some since of CAD standards control. I do not know if this slow down
    is caused by the network, a configuration issue or hardware related. We have
    received ADT 2005 but I want to get these issues resolved before I upgrade
    to 2005. Anyone else experience this or have any idea of where to start to
    pin down the problem? Any help/suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
    rich keitz, Apr 27, 2004
  4. tevans1

    Cy Shuster Guest

    It's an interesting thing about performance. Certainly it's good to have in
    a product. But speaking broadly, we customers can purchase extra
    performance on our own (faster networks, video cards, processors), but you
    can only purchase extra features from Autodesk (and third parties, of

    Hardware jumps ahead so fast, in many areas, it's not even worth the time to
    try to address it in software (saving files to local disk, for example).
    Also, optimizing one operation is often a tradeoff against speed of another.
    If you compress a file to write to disk, that saves transfer time, but takes
    CPU time to compress and decompress after transfer.

    But I think you're talking about an architecture change, not just an
    increase in performance. Support for multiple users on large projects over
    slow, remote lines is a whole 'nother ball of worms...

    Cy Shuster, Apr 27, 2004
  5. For example it's "impossible" to work with ADT 2004 and the project
    navigator on a 10 megabits line that we have between our offices. This is
    due to non optimised code that transfered a lot of useless data. This is
    solved in ADT 2005 so now it's not a problem. As I understand it LDD uses an
    Access database and these databases are not good for working like this. Then
    you need SQL Server or the like.

    Best Regards, Jimmy Bergmark
    CAD and Database Developer Manager at
    Take a look at
    JTB FlexReport (FLEXlm report tool) -
    SmartPurger (Purges automatically) -
    or download some freeware at
    More on AutoCAD 2005;
    Jimmy Bergmark, Apr 28, 2004
  6. tevans1

    Dean Helsel Guest


    While I may not have "the" answer specific to your problem - I will share my
    findings in case they will be of benefit to you. Like other users that have
    responded - I have been very frustrated at times with the inability to nail
    down a cause and solution to similar issues. AutoDesk appears to be much
    more cautious recently with responses when a possible windows or novell
    issue may be involved. As was suggested here - searching these newsgroups
    sometimes provides tidbits of info (typically from equally frustrated users)
    that may be of benefit.

    We have had similar issues w/ LDD, ADT and ABS 2004 on a Novell LAN/WAN
    setup. All of our installs are done locally with only license management
    (win xp boxes w/ no novell) handled across the network. We have had
    multiple issues in the past and have a sort of checklist we now run through
    when we hit something similar.

    1. Novell client updated including servicepacks (some client revs in past
    were the problem)
    2. Windows updates and servicepacks installed for operating system
    3. Updated and functioning printer drivers (be sure to delete any old or
    corrupted novell printer definitions)
    4. Network and Video adapters functioning properly w/ current drivers
    5. Local paths and support file locations (pain to copy standards files to
    each machine - but has proven to make a difference)
    6. Disable digital signature validation (for us - each Adesk application
    install sets this to on for the workstation by default)

    I have noticed some improvement here with the 2005 based ADT & ABS
    applications. Working on the LAN is fine, across the WAN (T1) is painfull,
    and impossible with LDD.

    HTH...Been there before and felt your pain!

    Dean Helsel
    video cards. This was done the same time we installed ADT 2004. Now there is
    a noticeable delay whenever we open a drawing, select open from the menu,
    select an object to move, copy, rotate etc. We are on a server (NOVELL none
    the less) and the workstations are pathed to several shared files in order
    to have some since of CAD standards control. I do not know if this slow down
    is caused by the network, a configuration issue or hardware related. We have
    received ADT 2005 but I want to get these issues resolved before I upgrade
    to 2005. Anyone else experience this or have any idea of where to start to
    pin down the problem? Any help/suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
    Dean Helsel, May 13, 2004
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