System Registry Dates

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by brent_mctigue, May 3, 2004.

  1. AutoCAD records the file and date edited in the system registry;
    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Autodesk\AutoCAD\R15.0\ACAD??:???\File History
    The date entries don't seem to be in Julian format. Does anyone know how to decipher these.
    I'd like to be able to export part of the registry to an excel spreadsheet, hopefully to run the date entries through a formula to convert them.
    brent_mctigue, May 3, 2004
  2. brent_mctigue

    sdaze Guest

    The format is similar to the date/time that is stored as an environment variable in AutoCAD. If you look for "DATE" in the AutoCAD help file you will get a brief description. I'm sure someone has a quick routine that extracts the day/month/year from this variable.

    sdaze, May 3, 2004
  3. brent_mctigue

    sdaze Guest

    sdaze, May 3, 2004
  4. brent_mctigue

    Jürg Menzi Guest


    Check this:
    ; == Function ConvJulianDate
    ; Convert julian date/time to standard format.
    ; Arguments [Type]:
    ; Val = Date/Time Julian [REAL]
    ; Mde = Conversion Mode, eg "MO/DD/YYYY HH:MM" [STR] *)
    ; Return [Type]:
    ; > Formatted date/time [STR]
    ; Notes:
    ; *) Details for mode see Diesel, edtime
    (defun ConvJulianDate (Val Mde / TmpVal)
    (setq TmpVal (if (minusp (- Val 2415019.0)) (+ Val 2415019.0) Val))
    (menucmd (strcat "M=$(edtime," (rtos TmpVal) "," Mde ")"))

    Jürg Menzi, May 3, 2004
  5. brent_mctigue

    Juerg Menzi Guest


    Check this:
    ; == Function ConvJulianDate
    ; Convert julian date/time to standard format.
    ; Arguments [Type]:
    ; Val = Date/Time Julian [REAL]
    ; Mde = Conversion Mode, eg "MO/DD/YYYY HH:MM" [STR] *)
    ; Return [Type]:
    ; > Formatted date/time [STR]
    ; Notes:
    ; *) Details for mode see Diesel, edtime
    (defun ConvJulianDate (Val Mde / TmpVal)
    (setq TmpVal (if (minusp (- Val 2415019.0)) (+ Val 2415019.0) Val))
    (menucmd (strcat "M=$(edtime," (rtos TmpVal) "," Mde ")"))

    Juerg Menzi, May 3, 2004
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