System Performance Recommendation

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by MangaMech, Sep 26, 2008.

  1. MangaMech

    MangaMech Guest

    I'm contemplating getting a new system and have been browsing the
    group for clues on the eternal question of #32 bit vs. #64 bit,
    operating system and how many cores. I imagine time passes quickly in
    the processor/system world and previous posts' issues re operating
    systems and hardware get sorted. Turning Intel processor performance
    into a 'solidworks system' is a bit of a mind bender with numbering
    systems wolfdale/xenon etc???

    I'm looking for a platform for contract modelling/design (not bleeding
    edge performance and cost, although happy to trade up some $ for
    robust output) to serve as a base for SW modelling that would be sound
    going out 2-3 years.

    The work is surfacing on plastic models/castings #5 part assemblies,
    sheetmetal household goods #50 parts into assemblies with detail
    drawings. There may be some machinery at less than #1000 parts (nuts/
    bolts/washers being half to two thirds of the parts count) again
    assemblies and drawings.

    I was looking at getting a desktop machine with Intel chip set, nvidia
    graphics, from either Dell, lenovo or HP. The assumption here is that
    they would configure a sound system and support is solid (more so that
    a build your own); I want to be generating models not troubleshooting

    Basic questions are:
    1) XP or Vista operating system
    2) #32 or #64 bit processors
    3) quad core or core 2 duo (others??)
    4) given that Dell, lenovo or HP tend to answer the above three
    collectively by configuring a system; what system 'type' could anyone
    offer advice on, and within this 'type' what are the best options?

    Can any one offer advice on any of the above points or point to
    relevant threads. Thanks in advance

    For reference visited Anna Woods' site and looked at benchmark
    spreadsheet, some of the dell models are now superceeded?
    MangaMech, Sep 26, 2008
  2. MangaMech

    tnik Guest

    Might as well go with Vista, XP will be dropped by microsoft by 2010..
    Go with 64 bit, that way you can run 8gb of RAM
    Unless your going to be using photoworks, cosmosworks and stuff like
    that, core 2 duo will be fine. Get the fastest one that you can.

    If your just looking to buy one computer, and if you know anything about
    hardware, save yourself the money and just build your own.
    The one question you didn't ask is the video card. that has to be the #1
    component that you don't want to cheat on. I would suggest getting
    Nvidia Quadro FX card. I've compared the FX570 to the 1700 and I would
    go with the 570.. its ~$200 cheaper, and the 1700 scores aren't that
    much higher than the 570 to constitute $200.. Least thats my thought on it.

    tnik, Sep 26, 2008
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