System hang on Open/Save From/To Server

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by centaur, Apr 23, 2004.

  1. centaur

    centaur Guest

    I tried posting this under autocad 2002 but it was suggested that it might be better here, so here goes...

    I work in a small computer store with a great many customers, some of
    which use AutoCAD.

    One of them in particular is having a specific problem that I have been
    having some problems diagnosing. I have a suspicion of what the problem
    might be and am looking for confirmation or a different diagnosis...

    The problem is as follows.

    - They are a land Survey Company and have 7 computers in the office all
    using various versions of autoCAD.
    - All their files are stored on a new file server that I put together
    using Windows XP Pro
    - The people that are having a problem are mainly Windows 98 Machines
    using AutoCAD 2002 (Not the Network enabled version)
    - What happens is when they attempt to Load or save a file from the
    server the system occasionally hangs, requiring a re-boot of that system
    and sometimes the server itself
    - They can copy files to and from the server without an issue using
    normal windows explorer copy and paste techniques, it's just when they
    use AutoCAD to access the server, a problem happens.
    - Also, they say that it sometimes seems to be fine with only one or two
    people accessing files, the problem happens most often when they try to
    go above that.
    - I've tried put in different Network card, they are running a 10/100
    Switched HUB.

    Frankly, I'm at a loss. Recently I Ran across another Tech who
    described a similar, although not exactly the same set of symptoms and
    when the company upgraded to a network enabled version of AutoCAD, the
    problem was cured. Is this what they need to do?

    Any help in this would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks in advance.
    centaur, Apr 23, 2004
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