System Color Changes wont stick

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by Lee, Aug 21, 2008.

  1. Lee

    Lee Guest

    I am attempting to save system colors to load with and
    while some are changing others seem to go black or 0,0,0.

    I make my changes, save them to a syscol.scl file (which the is looking for) but when I open a new session my Background
    color is correct but the Datums are all black. I have attempted this
    many times but the datums keep going black.

    Any thoughts?

    ps. I am using WF3 with Intralink 3.4.
    Thanks in advance.
    Lee, Aug 21, 2008
  2. Lee

    Janes Guest

    I am attempting to save system colors to load with and
    while some are changing others seem to go black or 0,0,0.

    I make my changes, save them to a syscol.scl file (which the is looking for) but when I open a new session my Background
    color is correct but the Datums are all black. I have attempted this
    many times but the datums keep going black.

    Any thoughts?

    ps. I am using WF3 with Intralink 3.4.
    Thanks in advance.
    Since Wildfire, the colors of the datums have changed from the previous red/yellow, positive side/negative side configuration. Some effort's been made to de-emphasize datum sides in order to make the business of feature direction more dynamic. The color change reflects this by making the sides less distinct.

    But if you wanted to go back to the pre-WF color scheme, you can use the Scheme menu. The option at the bottom, Use Pre-Wildfire Scheme, when selected restores the old look of system colors including the old datum colors. A note on saving: as with all Pro/e file operations, it doesn't matter what value is assigned to the configuration option system_colors_file, it will still attempt to save in the registered workspace or the selected working directory unless you browse to another location. This can result in multiple systems colors files salted all over the file structure. The worst thing about this is that, while points to the default system colors file, Pro/e will load any it finds in a workspace or working directory AFTER loading the default one. This can override settings in the correct, default SCL file, but at very least, this can cause confusion. So, I'd recommend doing a system search for this file and deleting the accidental extras, at least until you've sorted the issues. If you want to dig into it further to see if the default file actually contains the options and values you've tried to assign, open the syscol.scl with Wordpad and look for something like ALIAS_DTM_PLN_POS_COLOR_TO SYSTEM_SECTION_COLOR. If you've set both sides, there should be another option for NEG set to one of the available system colors.

    BTW, I'm sure you must have noticed that, on the Datum page, the color selection is limited to those already created and assigned on the Graphics page. Also, if after loading your revised system colors file, you go to the Datum page and see the old color with a blackened box, click the box to reveal the new color. Don't know why it wouldn't load this automatically.

    David Janes
    Janes, Aug 21, 2008
  3. Lee

    Lee Guest


    Lee, Aug 22, 2008
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