system call of cadence in c++

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by vivian, Nov 15, 2005.

  1. vivian

    vivian Guest

    I use system("cadence") in c++ program to call cadence, but it doesn't
    work. What is the problem? it says "cadence not found".. THe same
    problem comes out when I call ocean.

    Thank you.
    vivian, Nov 15, 2005
  2. Never tried this, but
    Cadence is the name of the Company not the name of a product
    nor the name of a executable file.

    Try system("icfb") maybe, if you want to run Cadence Design Framework II
    out of C.

    Bernd Fischer, Nov 15, 2005
  3. vivian

    vivian Guest

    Before you run "icfb" , you have to run "cadence" to setup the SeismeIC
    vivian, Nov 15, 2005
  4. This is not a Cadence command but something in your environment (I'm pretty
    certain, without checking at all). I suggest you try walking before you run -
    perhaps "cadence" is an alias and not an executable - so wouldn't work via the
    system() function. Without knowing the details of your environment, it's hard to
    be sure - but I'm kind of surprised you're asking about details of C++ programs
    when I suspect you don't understand how the commands are being invoked, or where
    they come from...


    Andrew Beckett, Nov 15, 2005
  5. vivian

    vivian Guest

    I appreciate your reply. It seems that you are kinna expert.
    but would you please show more helpful information then just giving
    this kindda useless
    vivian, Nov 16, 2005
  6. OK, Be like that. I'm noit wasting my time on somebody who doesn't even explain
    his problem properly, and then is downright rude in return.

    It usually takes a lot to get me riled. Well done, you've succeeded.

    Andrew Beckett, Nov 16, 2005
  7. vivian

    S. Badel Guest


    i can't believe that someone not able to put a semicolumn at the end of
    a c statement dares to insult people this way.

    take a unix class

    and c++ too, by the way
    S. Badel, Nov 17, 2005
  8. vivian

    vivian Guest

    Come on, expert. Yes, you are the only person in the world who knows
    there is a semicolumn at the end of
    the c statement.
    If you are not able to give any useful information here, would you
    please stay away? Don't waste other people's time.
    Thank you!
    vivian, Nov 17, 2005
  9. vivian

    helen Guest

    hey, is that the only thing you know about c statement?
    maybe you just took c++ for no more than one day.
    helen, Nov 17, 2005
  10. Are you vivian or are you helen or are you somebody else? If somebody is
    wasting anybodys time then it is you. I would suggest that you take a
    trip to and search on "Andrew Beckett" and check the
    quality of the answers he gives. If there is enough input data, then you
    get a full soulution. Not very many other contributors here can do that.
    He even takes time to give fair answers to questions he has already
    answered by making people aware of them on google.

    Stephane is also one of the better contributors, but you, in your total
    ignorance, haven't even realized that.

    But at least you finally came out of the closet and we know who you are,
    or at least what you are. That's something.

    By the way, is using c++ a "must" for your project, or could you use
    some other scripting language like perl or tcl? They happen to have
    better ways of starting external programs and taking care of the output
    from these programs.

    If you want to control some cadence tool from the command line, then it
    is actually better to have dfii start an external process and then you
    can set up communication between that process and dfii. There is an
    example in the manual for the ipc* commands.

    A personal advice: Use your real name, at least in your signature, we
    like to deal with real people.
    Svenn Are Bjerkem, Nov 17, 2005
  11. vivian

    helen Guest

    Can I ask who you are or at least WHAT you are?? Though that's nothing
    to me.

    I acknowledge that I am quite new here, but that does not mean that
    you have the right to insult me like that. You dont have to help me if
    you don't like to, but do you at least know some respect to others?
    And also, I don't think I have ever said anything bad to you, why did
    you jump out ?

    And by the way, to the people who have ever helped me, I appreciate a
    helen, Nov 17, 2005
  12. vivian

    vivian Guest

    Can I ask who you are or at least WHAT you are?? Though that's nothing
    to me.

    I acknowledge that I am quite new here, but that does not mean that
    you have the right to insult me like that. You dont have to help me if
    you don't like to, but do you at least know some respect to others?
    And also, I don't think I have ever said anything bad to you, why did
    you jump out ?

    And by the way, to the people who have ever helped me, I appreciate a
    vivian, Nov 17, 2005
  13. A Cadence user discussing on comp.cad.cadence, or did you have any other
    words in mind when writing that sentence?
    Why did I jump out? I was there all the time in case you didn't notice,
    and I found that if anybody show disrespect then it is you. This is a
    public place and anybody can comment on your messages.

    Your attitude is nothing new on USENET. Normally individuals like you
    sooner or later show their real communication abilities, which you
    superbly did in your last message and in your answer to Andrew. Then the
    group know how to deal with your expressions. Don't be upset about that,
    knowing each other is the best basis for fruitful communication.

    The point is that we don't help you only when we answer your questions.
    (or get our own questions answered): Simply because the USENET acticles
    are searchable on

    Did I insult you? I only play by the rules you set up for _your_
    communication with other people on on comp.cad.cadence.

    It is OK that you are new, but it is no reason for you to use your
    freshmanship as a shield for your ignorance.

    Kind regards,
    Svenn Are Bjerkem, Nov 21, 2005
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