System and Document Defaults for "upgrade" installation

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Per O. Hoel, Aug 20, 2003.

  1. Per O. Hoel

    Per O. Hoel Guest

    For those who are installing SolidWorks for the first time, my
    "complaint" does not apply; however, for those upgrading, the
    inconvenience of setting overrides is the issue.

    For example, why should it be presumed that I suddenly want my
    existing drawings to open in SWKS 2004 with the sheets colored dirty
    grey, the viewport background bright blue and the default for any new
    view insertions to come in as shaded?

    Generally speaking, wouldn't it be prefered to have the new
    installation of SolidWorks adapt itself to the existing settings which
    users have tweaked over time?

    I'd rather be informed of any new options which become available and
    then decide if they should be implemented.

    I'm reminded of the default imposed (with SWKS 2001+ or 2003) which
    called for the display of arc centerpoints in each and every new
    drawing view. What a PITA, until the steps to shut it off were

    Per O. Hoel
    Per O. Hoel, Aug 20, 2003
  2. Per O. Hoel

    Jeff N Guest

    What's odd about this is that it does read in some registry keys from the
    old installations. For instance, file paths. I'm assuming that by installing
    a new version it does not overwite the stuff under the 'SolidWorks' key and
    any settings under the 'SolidWorks 2003' key, such as color settings, are
    Jeff N, Aug 21, 2003
  3. Per O. Hoel

    Per O. Hoel Guest


    Yes, when multiple versions of SolidWorks are installed side-by-side,
    there are certain Registry entries shared (adopted) by the newer
    installation. Within the SolidWorks Registry Keys there are subkeys
    which are version specific (i.e. "SolidWorks 2003" "SolidWorks 2004",
    etc.) Certain setting types can be set differently in one version than
    the other.

    To be clear, for example, the change in options for 2004 drawing
    background color, sheet color and default view shading are NOT
    overriding those set for use in the 2003 program. The issue is that
    drawings created and saved in 2003, when read into 2004-PR1, are
    forced to take on the new "2004" options, unless I change them
    individually to match my pre-determined, desired attributes.

    What I'm hoping for is at least to be able to simply "transfer"
    settings from the earlier version to the newer. Just as it is possible
    to use the Copy Options Wizard to DUPLICATE settings to use with
    multiple seats of the SAME version of SolidWorks, it should be
    possible to have a Wizard-like routine CONVERT them for use in the new
    version of the program.

    Per O. Hoel
    Per O. Hoel, Aug 21, 2003
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