hi i've just started using functions and i'm am having a bit of trouble trying to get a selection set filter, for some reason this line doesn't work (setq SS (ssget '((cons 0 FilterType)))) ..... code so far (defun GetMultiple (FilterType RunFunction / ) (setq SS (ssget '((cons 0 FilterType)))) (setq Count 0) (repeat (sslength SS) (setq NthEntity (ssname SS Count)) (setq NthEntityProps (entget NthEntity)) (RunFunction) (setq Count (1+ Count)) ) (princ) ) (defun C:AU () (initget 1 "Multiple") (while (setq TEXTOBJ (nentsel " Select text to underline or shift-select to remove underline or [Multiple]: " ) ) (setq Shift (acet-sys-shift-down)) (cond ((= TEXTOBJ "Multiple") (GetMultiple "TEXT" AddUnderline) ) );cond );while (princ) ) any help would be great cheers mark