synchronizing viewports

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by toddralph, Nov 5, 2004.

  1. toddralph

    toddralph Guest

    I posted this in AutoCAD 2004 NG a few days ago, but no replies. Hopefully will get some advice here... on to my problem - I want to have two viewports but I want to keep the scale and limits synchronized. ie, when I zoom or pan in one viewport, I want the other one to follow me. This is because I am digitizing using different background images (say aerial photo in one viewport, satellite imagery in the other). does anyone know of a method or utility to do this? Is it do-able in VBA? How about another application that will allow me to digitize in this manner and then export to DXF?

    thanks in advance,
    toddralph, Nov 5, 2004
  2. toddralph

    grobsystems Guest

    Viewport modification is possible, but you will need to do some calculating of your "source" viewport to redefine the other viewport. Zooming 2 viewports on the fly sounds tricky. You will probably need to "zoom-stop-then calc the other viewport" and then get what you want. The Viewport object and the translate coordinates method is what you are looking for I believe.

    grobsystems, Nov 5, 2004
  3. toddralph

    Kevin Terry Guest

    Below is a routine we use for matching the scale factor of one vport to
    another. It is a manual step we use, but maybe it will work for you or you
    can figure out a way to automate it. hth,

    ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    .. . . . . . . . . . .
    'Match viewport properties - uses zoom scale in paperspace from one to match
    the other
    Public Sub Match_Vport()

    On Error GoTo Err_Match_Vport

    Dim newPViewport As AcadPViewport
    Dim basePnt As Variant
    Dim dScaleFactor As Double


    ThisDrawing.Regen acActiveViewport

    'make sure in paperspace
    ThisDrawing.MSpace = False

    'prompt user to pick source viewport
    ThisDrawing.Utility.GetEntity newPViewport, basePnt, "Pick source

    'get zoom scale factor of picked vport
    dScaleFactor = newPViewport.CustomScale

    'prompt user to pick destination viewport
    ThisDrawing.Utility.GetEntity newPViewport, basePnt, "Pick destination

    'set zoom factor to same as first
    newPViewport.CustomScale = dScaleFactor

    ThisDrawing.Regen acActiveViewport


    Exit Sub


    If Err.Number <> 0 Then _
    'display error message
    MsgBox "You must select valid viewports.", vbExclamation & vbOKOnly
    End If


    End Sub


    will get some advice here... on to my problem - I want to have two viewports
    but I want to keep the scale and limits synchronized. ie, when I zoom or pan
    in one viewport, I want the other one to follow me. This is because I am
    digitizing using different background images (say aerial photo in one
    viewport, satellite imagery in the other). does anyone know of a method or
    utility to do this? Is it do-able in VBA? How about another application that
    will allow me to digitize in this manner and then export to DXF?
    Kevin Terry, Nov 6, 2004
  4. toddralph

    toddralph Guest

    Thanks for the advice and input, people. I am running with it and will keep you 'posted'... pardon the pun
    toddralph, Nov 8, 2004
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