Synchronizing view area's of two layout windows

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by suresh j, Sep 25, 2003.

  1. suresh j

    suresh j Guest

    Is there a way to synchronize the view area's of two layout cellview
    windows so that if I zoom in to one cellview other will also do so
    automatically. This will be very helpful to compare modifications done
    on a cellview with the original cellview.

    Thanks in advance.

    Suresh J
    suresh j, Sep 25, 2003
  2. Here's some code I wrote a while ago to do something similar. I then defined a

    hiSetBindKey("Layout" "<Key>w" "(ABcopyWinView)")

    Then you'd hit w in your source window, and then click in the destination
    window, and it would copy the view settings across. I primarily used this for
    debugging in an extracted view, and then zooming to the layout view to
    actually fix it.




    Author A.D.Beckett
    Group Structured Custom, Cadence Design Systems Ltd
    Machine SUN

    Copies a window view from one window to another,
    not necessarily of the same cellView


    SCCS Info: @(#) 08/07/01.15:30:32 1.1


    (procedure (ABcopyWinViewCB win done points)
    (let (bbox)
    (setq win (hiGetCurrentWindow))
    (when (and done (windowp win) (windowp ABcopyWinViewFrom))
    (setq bbox (hiGetViewBBox ABcopyWinViewFrom))
    (hiZoomIn win bbox))))

    * *
    * (ABcopyWinView @optional (win nil)) *
    * *
    * Procedure to copy a view from one window to another *
    * *

    (procedure (ABcopyWinView @optional (win nil))
    (unless win (setq win (hiGetCurrentWindow)))
    (setq ABcopyWinViewFrom win)
    (hiSetCurrentWindow win)
    (when (windowp win)
    (enterMultiRep ?prompts '("Point to the source window" "Point to the
    destination window")
    ?points '((0 0))
    ?doneProc "ABcopyWinViewCB"
    ?dontDraw t
    Andrew Beckett, Sep 25, 2003
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