Symmetric mate and dissolving a sub-assembly

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Bill, Jul 10, 2007.

  1. Bill

    Bill Guest

    Does anyone have a work around for retaining a symmetric mate in an
    assembly when you dissolve it into another assembly? It also doesn't
    work with a width mate.
    Bill, Jul 10, 2007
  2. Bill

    Sam Guest

    More than likely the problem is that one of the entities referenced in
    the mate is no longer valid. For example if you use the Right plane of
    the assembly as the symmetric plane then dissolve that assembly then
    that Right plane is no longer able to be referenced in that mate so
    the mate will fail. Try referencing entities that will not "disappear"
    when the assembly is dissolved.

    I routinely use this technique, say I have parts A, B and C in assy D.
    I mate part A to the planes of D but mate everything else (B and C) to
    part A and not referencing anything from D. If I then dissolve assy D
    in context of another assembly then all the mates between A, B and C
    are still valid. I now only need to mate component A within context of
    the assembly that it was dissolved into and B and C will update
    according to the mate scheme.

    hope that helps,

    Sam, Jul 10, 2007
  3. Bill

    Bill Guest

    I double checked this and I understand what you are saying, but it
    still gives the warning and gets rid of the mate. it seems to be a
    limitation of the width/symmetric mate itself?
    Bill, Jul 10, 2007
  4. Bill

    Sam Guest

    You may be right, you might not be able to over come this.

    Good luck
    Sam, Jul 10, 2007
  5. Bill

    bob zee Guest

    the only work around bob z. can think of is possibly an equation to
    take place of the symmetry mate. bob z. just dummied up a test assy
    with a symmetry mate and dropped it into another assy. sure enough,
    when you dissolve the sub-assy, the symmetry mate dies. what
    the ...?
    just to clarify, bob z. had NO mates going to the assy itself. all
    mates were part to part. the first part in the assy was fixed.

    thanks, solidworks!

    bob z.
    p.s. 133r|\| to use swx NOOB
    bob zee, Jul 10, 2007
  6. Bill

    Bill Guest

    thanks for verifying that I'm not losing my mind Bob. I did try the
    equation idea as well. Guess what, equations go away when
    dissolving.... :-(
    Bill, Jul 10, 2007
  7. Bill

    bob zee Guest


    bob z.
    p.s. my sister got lucky, married a yuppie...
    bob zee, Jul 10, 2007
  8. Bill

    Sam Guest

    This kind'a stinks but you could apply a Fix mate to the components
    prior to dissolving so that after dissolving those components would at
    least be in the correct location even though that location is not
    parametric to the plane which you want them to be symmetric too.

    Or of course just dont add the symmetric mate until after dissolving.

    I am sure both of these are unacceptable alternatives.

    Sam, Jul 10, 2007
  9. Bill

    j Guest

    Symetrical & Width mates have been this way since SW added them. Why
    they decided to delete the mates is anyones guess. Probably couldn't
    figure out how to keep em
    j, Jul 11, 2007
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