symbols after features

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Nathan Feculak, Jul 24, 2003.

  1. What do the symbols mean after a feature or in a part in an assembly. they
    generaly look like this "->" some of my parts have them and some don't. Is
    there any place that gives a list of what these things mean?


    Nathan Feculak, Jul 24, 2003
  2. Nathan Feculak

    Tony O'Hara Guest

    Have a look in help under 'FeatureManager Design Tree' / 'Conventions' all
    the symbols are there.
    eg: If a part or feature has an external reference, its name is followed
    by ->. The name of any feature with external references is also followed
    by ->.
    Tony O'Hara, Jul 24, 2003
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