symbolics in pcells

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by rick, Oct 12, 2010.

  1. rick

    rick Guest

    Im building a pCell and instantiating a symbolic pTap but need to
    override the default contact overlap.
    I can instantiate it but cannot find a way to override the default.
    Im user IC6.1.4

    my Code:

    ;; Get the database id of the ptap symbolic
    ptapId = dbOpenCellViewByType("tsmcN65" "M1_SUB" "symbolic")
    ;; Create a parameterized instance of it using the parameters passed
    ptapInst=dbCreateParamInst(cv ptapId "ptapBulk" 1.6:1.4 "R0" 1
    list( list("row" "float" pTapRowCnt/0.25-3 )
    list("column" "float" cellWidth*2+1 )
    list("xBias" "string" "center" )
    list("yBias" "string" "bottom")
    list("xPitch" "float" 0.25 )
    list("yPitch" "float" 0.25 )
    list("encByLayer1" "float" 0.2)
    list("encByLayer2" "float" 0.2)
    list("layer1ImpEnc" "float" 0.2)
    list("layer2ImpEnc" "float" 0.2) ) )


    Ive dumped the contact code and here is the header:

    dbiPDDCreateContact(tcCellView viaLayer layer1 layer2 encByLayer1
    encByLayer2 layer1ImpLayer layer1ImpEnc layer2ImpLayer
    w l row column xPitch yPitch xBias yBias )

    I can instantiate and change the enclosue with create contact
    interactively and it looks like its on
    a different page:

    How can I code this into my pcell?


    rick, Oct 12, 2010
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