symbol standards?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by frikky, Nov 17, 2004.

  1. frikky

    frikky Guest

    can anyone tell me where i can find examples of standard symbols used in architectural drawings? i'm looking for simple things like a "section designation symbol", an "elevation designation symbol", or a "detail designation symbol", and more. i would like to make sure that they are the industry standards for such symbols to put on our drawings. i've done a search online for aia and other sites, but can't seem to find a simple file that shows how things should look. thanks.
    frikky, Nov 17, 2004
  2. frikky

    Gordon Price Guest

    First off, recognize that there is no true industry standard in
    Architecture. Many offices will use variations, or completely in-house
    graphics, sometimes because the 'standard' doesn't address their needs,
    sometimes because they 'think' the standard doesn't address their needs, and
    sometimes just because they want to.
    That said, 'Architectural Graphic Standards' (Ramsey & Sleeper) and 'The
    Professional Practice of Architectural Working Drawings' (Wakita & Linde)
    are respected resources.
    Another thing to think about. The 'standards' are almost all based on hand
    drafting, and often don't actually translate to cad drafting very well.
    Compressed text in a circle is one example, the traditional earth cross
    hatch is another, as is all caps in architectural lettering. Sometimes you
    deviate from the 'standards' because it allows you to more quickly or more
    accurately communicate what needs communicating. That should be the real
    goal, not adherence to an outdated drafting non-standard.

    Just my $0.02 anyway ;)

    Gordon Price, Nov 20, 2004
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