Symbol Generation using Create Cellview from Cellview

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by hamidrezah, Apr 19, 2009.

  1. hamidrezah

    hamidrezah Guest

    I do not get pin names and symbol name when I generate a symbol view
    from a schematic view. I only get a box with red squares (supposedly
    pins) around it (but no name associated with box or squares).

    Any idea what is wrong?

    hamidrezah, Apr 19, 2009
  2. Have you got some strange template loaded? When you do Create CellView from
    CellView, make sure that the "Edit Options" is checked, and then on the Symbol
    Generation Options, check the "Load/Save" checkbox. See what Template path it
    has, and try loading "analog" or "digital" or some other template from the
    cyclic choice next to the "Load" button.

    In the CIW, you can type


    to see what choices are available, and

    envGetVal("schematic" "tsgTemplateType")

    to show the default.

    Perhaps you can report back here what your settings are, and what happens when
    you do the steps I mention above on the create cellView from cellView forms?


    Andrew Beckett, Apr 20, 2009
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