symbol editor: colored objects & logos

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Jos, Apr 20, 2005.

  1. Jos

    Jos Guest


    Can anyone tell me how to change to color of labels, lines, shapes, ...
    in the symbol editor? This should be possible, but I can't seem to
    find how to do it.

    Is there a simple way to import a company logo in the symbol editor
    from JPEG, EPS or whatever other graphic format ?

    Jos, Apr 20, 2005
  2. In the Symbol View - ussually layers like "device" "pin" "wire" usw are
    to change their colors, look into the techdump of your tech-library, find
    out the respective display package, and change the color of the
    display package :)

    Its unlikely, that their exist an easy method to import jpgs to the symbol
    editor, because jgs are pixel oriented whereas symbols are object
    oriented(lines,shapes ...)

    Guenther Sohler, Apr 20, 2005
  3. It's not just seach in this group for "logo" or "comany logo"
    you'll get soultions enough.

    Bernd Fischer, Apr 20, 2005
  4. Jos

    Jos Guest

    I have an example of a symbol containing lines in different colors.
    This could not be achieved with the method you just discribed
    (display.drf). So their should be another way....

    Jos, Apr 21, 2005
  5. This is probably because the symbol uses many different layers. I just meant
    that there are ussually very few of them actually used in a symbol, but
    using "special" layers a great amount of colors are available.
    Probably you have to put them in with
    dbCreateRect, as I cannot see a user-like method to put them in
    Guenther Sohler, Apr 21, 2005
  6. Jos

    S. Badel Guest

    yes, it does work.

    try doing this:
    open a layout window.
    in LSW menu do 'Choose valid layers', then press 'all valid'
    in LSW menu again, go to display resource editor.
    change the colors of the following layers:
    device drawing => this is the green lines that make up a symbol
    pin drawing => this is the red square that make up symbol pins
    annotate xxx => these are the labels (if i remember well)

    note, these layers are used for all symbols, so changing their color changes
    the visual aspect of all symbols.
    if you just want custom colors for your company logo, then you'd better
    define your own layers with your own colors, only for your logo.
    still, you won't be able to manipulate these layers with the schematic/symbol editor,
    so you can create your logo using the standard layers, then change the layers with
    a skill script.


    S. Badel, Apr 21, 2005
  7. Simplest way (without resorting to changing layers in SKILL) is to
    select the shape you want to change - and enter the function:


    (this is an old property editor). There you can change the layer that
    the shapes etc are drawn on to another layer - which can then have a
    different fill pattern, line style, colours etc (as set in the display.drf for
    the packet used by that layer).

    geQuerySelSet() can be put on a bindkey for convenience, of course. Note
    that it is fairly primitive - so don't expect it to be well behaved if you use
    it with schematics - CDF is not necessarily handled properly (no callbacks
    are called, if I remember rightly). It's a useful low level property/attribute


    Andrew Beckett, Apr 21, 2005
  8. Jos

    G Vandevalk Guest

    Beware that there is a limited number of colors that play well with dfII.

    (but I know of one "program" that was written that pixelized a logo into
    .... ugly)

    - G
    G Vandevalk, Apr 21, 2005
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