swx2007 to swx 2008

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by mo, Aug 8, 2009.

  1. mo

    mo Guest

    I am running 2007 sp5 and want to upgrade so i can either goto swx
    2008 sp5 or swx 2009 sp ?, can some please give me advice on
    diffferences form 2007 to 2008 to 2009 and what effect if any it will
    have on my current hardware? Is there a marked increase in memory
    usage i work primarily in large assembllies.

    Thanks .
    mo, Aug 8, 2009
  2. mo

    Anna Wood Guest

    What is your current hardware?


    Anna Wood, Aug 9, 2009
  3. mo

    mo Guest

    I am running xp 64 bit and a quadro fx1300 with 4 gig of memory. I
    forget the cpu at the moment i'm at home.
    mo, Aug 9, 2009
  4. mo

    Anna Wood Guest

    Make sure you can get SolidWorks approved video drivers for your
    system and video card.


    If you have an OEM system, select your OEM from the system dropdown.
    If a homebuilt system select Nvidia from the system dropdown.

    Read the What's New Guides for SW2008 and SW2009. You can get links
    to all the What's New pdf's here: http://www.rickyjordan.com/whats-new-guides

    I suspect you may not like the performance of your hardware with
    SW2008 and SW2009, it needs a bit more horsepower to run then SW2007.
    You video card is old (introduced in June 2004). If this is an
    indication of the rest of your system for components you may not like
    the user experience.

    Check out my SW benchmarks at www.solidmuse.com (link in the right
    sidebar) to see how your system stacks up to current computer
    hardware. You will want to look at the punch holder benchmark as that
    has a SW2007 file and the most data points for you to compare.


    Anna Wood, Aug 10, 2009
  5. mo

    manager Guest

    Even though SW touted great performance gains in 2009, they weren't
    there. 2009 will likely require you to rethink your hardware and OS
    setup and upgrade just to keep up.

    manager, Aug 15, 2009
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