SWX2006 IGS output question

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by IDAssociates LLC, Oct 28, 2005.

  1. We have a client who wants our SWX work outputted as IGS. Is there any way
    for us to create these files and have them be a solid only without any
    features ? Best output for us would be for them to be in dark gray or some
    odd color so they cant be used for too much other than to look at. Another
    good attribute would be for the files to not be able to be dissected down to

    Thanks for your help. We arent especially familiar with IGS at all.
    IDAssociates LLC, Oct 28, 2005
  2. IDAssociates LLC

    matt Guest

    By default the IGES format does not carry forward any feature
    information. It's called a "dumb solid". You can test this by making a
    simple part with a few features, exporting to IGES and reimporting it.
    You will only get an "imported" feature, no sketch or dimensional
    information, although people can measure what's there, they can't change
    it like you change a sketch or a feature. Color is immaterial, really,
    but you can make it any color you like before saving it.

    matt, Oct 28, 2005
  3. Thanks. Yes that what it looked like to us but wehad some concern that ther
    emay be a way to " reverse engineer " the solid back to features.
    IDAssociates LLC, Oct 28, 2005
  4. IDAssociates LLC

    matt Guest

    If you're afraid of people doing that then the best you can do is send
    an eDrawing with the options to measure and save out STL turned off.
    That gives visual 3D data but nothing you can manufacture from. If
    people are determined to steal something, they're gonna steal it.
    FeatureWorks only really "works" on fairly simple prismatic parts.

    I do a fair amount of parametric remodeling of imported parts from
    Catia, Pro, Alias, etc. for my customers, who own the original format,
    so they're not stealing any IP. There is no way you can really keep
    people from reverse engineering a design other than not show it to them.
    Even if it's only visual, like a jpg, anyone with a decent eye can copy

    matt, Oct 28, 2005
  5. The client in this case wants to be able to look at things without me there
    in Rhino.

    These are exclusinvely Solids done for ID purposes so there are lots of
    lofts etc. Complex surfaces. I suppose the point to be at is to be able to
    price the 3D file that was used for presentaton purposes as a JPG close to
    the time it would take to copy it.

    Much appreciate all your thoughts.
    IDAssociates LLC, Oct 28, 2005
  6. IDAssociates LLC

    Cliff Guest

    I'd not expect any guarantee that they would be the same
    Reminds me of jb's claims of reverse-generation of history
    trees <G>.
    Cliff, Oct 29, 2005
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