swx04sp3 + xpsp2: any crash-related known issues?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Gianni Rondinini, Nov 10, 2004.

  1. hi all.
    one of my engineers installed xp sp2 without asking if he could do it
    and now we're experiencing frequent swx crashes on that machine. on
    the other three workstations we own, all of them having xp sp1, we
    don't see so many crashes.
    considering that we *cannot* upgrade to swx04 sp4.anything and that i
    don't trust swx2005 enough yet --and i won't until my var *insures* us
    we won't have any of the problems we had with swx04sp4--, can i
    suppose our crashes come from xp sp2? reinstalling a workstation would
    take a couple of hours, at least, so before loosing that time i'd like
    to be as sure as possible about the reasong it's crashing so much.


    Gianni Rondinini, Nov 10, 2004
  2. Gianni Rondinini

    matt Guest

    It's hard to say. I did see some wierdness when I upgraded one box to
    xp sp2, but a reinstall of SW fixed it. It wasn't crashes, it was just
    templates not showing up when the path in File Locations was set,
    something kind of random. Of course my installation had some other
    stuff going on with it like an administrative image upgraded to sp0.1

    It might also depend to some extent on web access settings in SW, such
    as searching for new SPs, web folders, 3D ContentCentral or whatever.
    XP sp2 automatically turns on a firewall which might be interfering with
    some of those functions. You can turn off the function, turn off the
    firewall or set the firewall to allow SW to access the web without your

    You could spend a lot of time troubleshooting it or you could just do a
    SW reinstall. It might not be necessary, but in the end it might save
    you a lot of time and headscratching and back-and-forth with the VAR.

    matt, Nov 10, 2004
  3. Shouldn't have to reinstall the whole workstation - Why can't you just
    revert back to the previous service pack and see if that clears up your
    problem. XP Should allow you to do that fairly easily...I'd tell you how,
    but I can't off the top of my head (too early and only 1 cup coffee) and my
    PC is still Win2KPro. I'm sure someone will post telling you how..

    Good Luck,

    Scott MacIntyre, Nov 10, 2004
  4. sp2 was a bomb sp3 is much better sp4.2 seems to revert to another bomb
    though not as bad as sp2. Atleast that is what we noticed here.

    Corey Scheich, Nov 10, 2004
  5. wow forget I said anything I was reading your post all wrong. There is a
    script that you can run to ensure noone else can install xp SP2 untill you
    release it. It is posted on microsoft. Let me know if you need the link.

    Corey Scheich, Nov 10, 2004
  6. Gianni Rondinini

    matt Guest

    As I understand it, the main difficulty with SW and xp sp2 is the Windows
    Installer. SW service packs prior to the supported ones (sw04 sp5 and sw05
    sp0.1) cannot be applied on xp sp2.

    matt, Nov 10, 2004
  7. it would be appreciated, if you remember where to look to find it
    without spending hours. microsoft's website is huge and not always
    easy to navigate.

    thanks in advance.
    Gianni Rondinini, Nov 10, 2004
  8. Gianni Rondinini

    CS Guest

  9. [...]

    i've been able to remove xp sp2.
    swx04sp3 now doesn't crash anymore, and we're very happy of it.
    now the pc falls asleep sometimes, but waiting 5 or 10 seconds is far
    better than loosing minutes and minutes of work due to a crash.

    thank to all of you!
    Gianni Rondinini, Nov 11, 2004
  10. Gianni Rondinini, Nov 11, 2004
  11. Falls asleep??? You do know that you have to pour coffee into it once in a
    while, don't you? :)


    Wayne Tiffany, Nov 11, 2004
  12. err... i remember the thing about the cdrom drive used as a cup
    holder, but when i press the "close" button, the drive closes and the
    cup remains outside the case...
    how can i have my workstation stay awake using coffee? :)

    Gianni Rondinini, Nov 12, 2004
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