SWx World Tip

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Edward T Eaton, Sep 24, 2004.

  1. I see that the registration is open:

    If you are pretty sure you are going to attend, I would strongly suggest
    getting signed up right now. In past years, I recall that the roundtable
    discussions and hands-on sessions filled up in the first two or so weeks of
    open registration. Its weird to be thinking about an event at the end of
    January when it is still 80 outside, but I know from experience that its a
    bummer to spend all that money to go without even getting the option of
    attending these sessions because you dawdled for a few weeks.
    Edward T Eaton, Sep 24, 2004
  2. Edward T Eaton

    P Guest

    Looks like the round tables are useful again this year. Unfortunately
    it conflicts with the PDM roundtable. Bummer, seems like CAD managers
    should be in PDM too.

    CAD Manager's Boot Camp. cool.

    Really good set of round table topics and they are on Sunday again
    which is cool.
    P, Sep 25, 2004
  3. Edward T Eaton

    Dan Bovinich Guest

    It seems like the conference is on the extreme ends of the map. Florida,
    Boston, Florida I think that's been the order for the last few years. You
    would think they would put it in a more central place like: Chicago, Dallas,
    Detroit, Pittsburgh, Kansas City, St. Louis?

    Dan Bovinich, Sep 27, 2004

  4. No kidding. Also, for some reason, it seems like the powers that be
    here think that none of us have any integrity and if a conference or
    training is in a city that might be distracting (Vegas, Orlando, etc.)
    we usually are not allowed to attend.

    Debbie Dowding, Sep 27, 2004
  5. Dan (and all),
    A lot of consideration goes in to the planning of SWW. Locations are chosen
    based on several criteria:

    Facilities - they have to accomodate 2000-3000 people for 3 to 5 days.
    Rates - reasonable guest accomodations
    Ease of Travel - especially for our friends across the Atlantic
    Climate - were you in Boston?
    Location - best airfares, amenities, and yes, fun.

    Orlando meets all of the above, and affords an opportunity to take your
    family (should you decide to). That's why the conference has been held there
    three times.

    For those of you having trouble justifying the cost and time away from work,
    do some math and present a business case to your managers. How much
    productivity gain would you expect, vs. the total cost of the conference.
    The numbers can look good if presented correctly.

    Plenty of users I have talked to give me the same reason for not going..."My
    company won't pay for it". When I press them, more often than not they never
    even asked anyone. ASK - you might be surprised, especially if you make a
    good case for going.

    Richard Doyle, Sep 27, 2004
  6. Edward T Eaton

    P Guest

    I'm for Minneapolis in January. Duluth would be even better. No

    Actually I think the whole history is:

    Palm Springs (2x?)
    Missing links here I think.
    New Orleans

    I think they put it in warm climates that have off seasons. They
    probably can't put it in Cancun because of export regulations.
    P, Sep 27, 2004
  7. Edward T Eaton

    Deb Dowding Guest

    Aww, Richard - didn't you enjoy the brisk weater? :eek:)

    Deb Dowding, Sep 28, 2004
  8. Edward T Eaton

    Steve D Guest

    I registered to go, but when I was to select the break-out sessions or
    round table discussions to attend I was kicked out. Is there a way to
    get back in to select?

    Any help would be appreciated.
    Steve D, Sep 28, 2004
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