SWx World - Soliciting your SWx problems

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Edward T Eaton, Sep 24, 2007.

  1. Phil Sluder and Ed Eaton are teaming up to do a SolidWorks World
    session to address your SolidWorks problems. In this session they
    will offer two (potentially differing) perspectives on how to work
    through problems submitted by SolidWorks users like you, and debate
    the merits/demerits of their approaches. This allows attendees to
    drive the agenda and get a 'second independent opinion' on each issue

    If you would like to see your SWx issues attacked by two experienced
    SolidWorks users, please post a zip file of your SWX parts/assemblies/
    drawings along with a DETAILED text description of what you were
    trying to accomplish to https://www.filesdirect.com/triaxialdesign.

    Examples of problems include shelling, filleting, lofting, surfacing,
    assembly management, mating; however, any issue that you are having
    trouble with is fair game.

    Please post as early as you can - Phil and Ed will have to stop
    accepting problems once they have enough to fill the hour-and-a-half

    Edward T Eaton, Sep 24, 2007
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