swx related humor (maybe humorous, maybe not)

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by bob zee, Dec 12, 2003.

  1. bob zee

    bob zee Guest

    bob z. sent a 'mass email' to all of his co-workers (and yes, bob z. copied
    the IT genius). you guys might find some humor in it:


    I must first apologize for not getting this timeline to you sooner. O.K.? I
    am sorry for not getting this timeline to you sooner.

    As you may already know, SolidWorks Corporation released a new version of
    their solid modelling cad package that we all use (SolidWorks). They
    released version - '2004' on July 7, 2003.

    Below you will find our sheduled timline for the roll-out of this very
    powerful release.

    12/1/03 Test machine with SolidWorks 2004 loaded. Users (that is all of us)
    are urged to load current projects to look for possible concerns or issues.

    1/4/04 Have final configuration (user settings, templates, etc.) set for
    roll-out to everyone.

    1/16/04 SolidWorks 2004 will be loaded on everyone's computer along with the
    next release of Windows® Operating System software.

    1/16/04 CATI comes here to show us "What's New".

    Please, if you have any concerns with the breakneck speed at which this is
    progressing, by all means, let me know! I am sure with some teamwork, we can
    put our heads together and find a way to add some weeks or even months to
    this timeline.

    bob z.
    p.s. got blood on your face, a big disgrace, wavin your banner all over the

    "people with less brain power than you are doing more difficult things
    bob zee, Dec 12, 2003
  2. bob zee

    Mr. Pickles Guest

    Way to go Bob Z.

    Looks like something I would have done. Any who, if you want to see what's
    new before the break neck timeline comes of "fruission", you can go here to
    a powerpoint presentation I did at our last SW user group meeting...

    http://www.okswug.com/images/OKSWUG Meeting Nov2003_files/frame.htm

    May be of some interest to ole Bob Z, and/or others. It is a pretty darn
    good presentation, if I say so myself.

    Mr. Pickles
    Mr. Pickles, Dec 13, 2003
  3. bob zee

    bob zee Guest

    bob zee, Dec 13, 2003
  4. bob zee

    Mr. Pickles Guest

    No problem Bob Z. Glad to be of assistance to a happy go lucky soul like

    As for your current "Slogan": "people with less brain power than you are
    doing more difficult things everyday"©,

    this is very true. I know some of these people, as they are the ones that
    are called management where I work....
    Mr. Pickles, Dec 13, 2003
  5. bob zee

    Nick E. Guest

    One correction here. You are, of course, referring to Microsoft Windows(tm).
    Not "Windows," as that refers to a generic GUI "windowing" system.

    Holding my breath for Longshot in 2008,
    nick e.

    p.s. ok, actually two corrections. you forgot to add a step to purchase and
    install more memory in each user machine in order to deal with the
    increased system requirements for the latest Microsoft Windows(tm)
    Operating System<sic>.
    Nick E., Dec 14, 2003
  6. bob zee

    bob zee Guest

    you are SO very right about those corrections. bob z. was trying to be
    silly in a stupid way (putting the little 'registered, blah-blah' symbol in

    bob zee, Dec 15, 2003
  7. bob zee

    bob zee Guest

    you are the first person to comment on that little 'tagline'. bob z.
    thought that it was a blast of extraordinary genius when he came up with it.

    sorry to hear about your managent, though...
    bob zee, Dec 15, 2003
  8. bob zee

    Arlin Guest

    bob z.
    I also like the one where a NASA scientist is quoted something like
    "Hell, rocket science isn't even rocket science."
    Arlin, Dec 15, 2003
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