SWX Documentation-Matt Lombard Nails It

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Buddy Jim, Jun 28, 2007.

  1. Buddy Jim

    neilscad Guest

    AFAIK you can still turn realview off in 08 (or now the aspects you
    dont want) as you can in 07.
    I imagine it will stay that way in the future
    I admit for a whole lot of folks out there they just have no interest
    in this stuff or cant envisage how it might help them. Indeed unless I
    was in the R&D department trying some of these ideas I dont think I
    could actually concretise the benefits until I finished experimenting.
    Will pulling up a drawing and specs and any other notes/sketches in
    full detail in seconds and in relation to any other part as you
    traverse and rotate an assembly have benefits? dunno? will it be just
    a useless reskin of explorer and design binder we dont need?
    The challenge is to keep looking at the smart ideas out there and
    bring them into CAD for its benefit.
    You could argue that SW have failed in that crutial screening process
    so far.
    For instance although MS did a lot of research on their ribbon
    toolbars etc is that a good soln for CAD?
    or because we can make a real nice pretty icon is that appropriate for
    CAD..is perhaps it symbols people work with and not images...
    Same for realview - clearly if you can set up realview properly then
    linking to PW means no set up of materials etc. That would save time.
    You can alter your scene in real time and get a very good idea of how
    it will look actually rendered. If you could record from the window it
    might make very nice presentations without rendering animations - time
    If you are in ID being able to pull on some point and immediately get
    feedback as to how it looks in a real environment might be nice.Should
    everyone use it then? no obviously a lot of folks dont need to.
    Most likely there are users out there who never touch sheetmetal tools
    and yet others do just about only that.
    Computers are going parallel SW is mostly set up for single processor.
    At the moment your graphics card is under utilised. There is a lot of
    parallel processing power in there.
    Its hard to say how it all might look in 10 years
    There are possibilities of realtime physics solving as well using a
    seperate card on the new PCI implementation after PCIe2... some work
    already done in this area was seen at SWW I think...

    anyway there are a few quick thoughts
    people who only want to deal with electronic versions of a drawing
    board are going to struggle in to the future IMO ( and yes you are
    talking to someone who used ink pens and compasses..)
    neilscad, Jun 29, 2007
  2. Buddy Jim

    neilscad Guest

    on reflection perhaps you should see Realview as a 'presentation and
    visualisation' toolset just like there are tools for sheetmetal...and
    that includes curvature display etc
    no doubt it willl continue to evolve with hardware capability
    again I think it is slightly unfortunate the way SW presented this in
    this manner..

    I think though now we have the basic arrival out of the way attention
    can return to other concrete and mortar tools that many more people
    will relate too.
    I realise a lot of engineers are not interested in visuals and touchy
    feely stuff and this doesnt touch base with them but it does help
    As far as the UI... well I think it needs some revisiting cos that
    affects everyone.
    neilscad, Jun 30, 2007
  3. Buddy Jim

    neilscad Guest

    ok here's another one


    .... and MS seem to be working on this stuff as well...
    is all? some? none of this useful in CAD?
    will it be incorporated in the o/s anyway and just be used as a matter
    of course in SW...?
    does it just need CADifying to be ok or is there nothing actually good
    about it other than it can be done...
    I guess the only way users can influence decisions is to get in early
    with their views
    You know it's a little ironic to be defending SW direction when I
    spent a lot of time poking eyes.
    In fact the most noticeable reaction from other users is to put me
    down for being outspoken about bugs etc.
    If you guys want a specific direction you actually have to be active
    about getting change.
    Sitting in silence as most do isn't going to deliver what you need/
    Really I'm the wrong person to be asking for justification or
    explanation or to be forecasting the adoption of technology ...except
    I do seem to pick em sometimes which is a little unnerving..
    You need to discuss the future with SW themselves..first stop may be
    your VARs earhole..

    and now I really have other stuff to do so I'm disappearing for a few
    months- bye all - happy 08ing ;o)
    neilscad, Jun 30, 2007
  4. Buddy Jim

    Ed Guest

    I don't know for sure but I suspect that one of the motivations why
    the documentation is so poor is because this is a major source of
    income for the VAR's to "sell" training classes.

    I also believe that there is a fairly simple solution to solve the
    documentation problem and this would be a complete set of training
    classes on DVD. But, there must be a decient index system so that it
    doesn't take half an hour to find some little procedure. I have
    really found the wav. files from Mountain Wave to be very useful and a
    complete library would be fantastic.

    Some VAR's have already made fairly good video libraries but they
    typically have a poor index/ search system and are expensive so these
    efforts are almost useless. If SW made a complete video
    documentation system of 100 hours and the cost was in the area of
    $1000 per hour, (just an estimate) the total cost would be $100,000.
    This sounds like a lot of money but when this is divided over the
    600,000 plus SW seats this is only $6 for each of us. Who of us would
    not be willing to pay $6 for an effective documentation/ training
    system. Even if SW charged an extra $30 for one of the future
    releases, WHO WOULD COMPLAIN? And given these estimates, even at the
    reasonable price of $30, the profit for SW would only be in the area
    of $14M. The user base would be much happier and while no other CAD
    program has anything like this, what a fantastic sales feature.
    Hmmmm.... what should SW be doing?

    Such a thing would be a win, win, win but the goofy SW marketing
    department is either sitting on their duffs or they just arn't bright
    enough to see the advantages.

    Furthermore, the SW programmers work very hard to improve every
    release but a lot of the time, us users don't get the benefits because
    most of us don't find out about some of these features for quite a
    while. I'm about 2 releases behind in reviewing all of the new
    features myself but a couple hour video covering these upgrades would
    be quite helpful.

    Ed, Jun 30, 2007
  5. Buddy Jim

    jon_banquer Guest

    "I don't know for sure but I suspect that one of the motivations why
    the documentation is so poor is because this is a major source of
    income for the VAR's to "sell" training classes."

    No more calls. We have a winner.

    "If SW made a complete video documentation system"

    Despite opening with the correct conclusion this poster got lost and
    is now back to thinking that SolidWorks Corp. will start to care about
    users before VAR profits. As a result our contestant is now
    disqualified and the phone lines are back open.

    Who will be the first in this newsgroup to realize that it's only
    independents and not SolidWorks Corp. who can solve the documentation

    Anyone remember way back when Mark Biasotti had some balls and spoke
    up about the real problems with SolidWorks before he sold out?

    My respect for Mark Biasotti at this point... zero.

    Can Mat Lombard be silenced in the same way?

    Is there some reason UpFronteZine isn't discussing this massive

    Is there some reason SolidWorks users aren't pressing Ralph Grabowski
    to discuss this problem in UpFronteZine?

    Jon Banquer
    San Diego, CA
    jon_banquer, Jun 30, 2007
  6. Buddy Jim

    jon_banquer Guest

    "The best tutorials by far are by igetit atwww.myigetit.com."

    "I got a subscription and its well worth it, way cheaper than VAR
    training and much more convenient."

    They say a free trial is available but it's not working for me. I sent
    tech support an e-mail.

    Jon Banquer
    San Diego, CA
    jon_banquer, Jun 30, 2007
  7. Buddy Jim

    jon_banquer Guest

    "I got a subscription and its well worth it, way cheaper than VAR
    training and much more convenient."

    Finally got it working. I'm watching using the Fully Define Sketch
    Tool tutorial now and it's very well done!

    Thanks for the heads up!

    Jon Banquer
    San Diego, CA
    jon_banquer, Jun 30, 2007
  8. Buddy Jim

    Cliff Guest

    CLUE: SW can do the documentation in parallel with the development
    of new releases & features.

    Buzzword & free demo jockeys must wait on someone to use
    a new release or feature in released software and post about it.

    Have you tried "Etch-A-Sketch for Dummies" yet? Few want to
    steal the demo video ....
    Cliff, Jul 1, 2007
  9. Buddy Jim

    Cliff Guest

    Xposted to alt.machines.cnc just for amusement.
    Cliff, Jul 1, 2007
  10. Buddy Jim

    jon_banquer Guest

    Just keeps getting better, Phil. :>) Time to give them the money I
    feel they deserve. Should complement the SolidProfessor videos I spent
    $600 for nicely. They many turn out to be an even better value but
    something tells me I'll appreciate both.

    Jon Banquer
    San Diego, CA
    jon_banquer, Jul 2, 2007
  11. Buddy Jim

    Ben Guest

    Not that this is a solution but this is mainly why I started

    If we all get in there and add to the Wiki there potentially be a good
    user manual made by the users and will include the stuff that SW will
    never include in their manuals such as flaws and workarounds. Now I
    understand that there is not much there right now but if you have
    something to add ADD IT! If we all just add a tidbit it could be a great
    resource. Currently we are approaching 500 registered users if each of
    use added one thing to the wiki would already be a powerful resource.

    Ben, Jul 3, 2007
  12. Buddy Jim

    bertok Guest

    Dear Group,

    Actually, instead of accusing SW for not giving us a manual just
    remember this:
    SW2004 had a downloadable pdf reference manual written by SW corp.
    Almost 1000 pages. I find it very useful still today.
    A while back SW said that there were a really "underwhelming response"
    to their manual, so it is not worth doing. Apparently too few people
    downloaded it.
    They forget to mention that it actually wasn't advertised anywhere
    properly, however it was possible to find it in some hidden place on
    the SW website. I guess it really pissed of the VARs, but of course
    this cannot be said openly. Maybe they were just testing their VAR
    network response.
    So they gave us something already, anyway.
    We should ask for the update of this manual. They don't have to write
    one from scratch.
    But saying that it never existed obviously helps people to sell 3rd
    party stuff.

    bertok, Jul 4, 2007
  13. Buddy Jim

    Cliff Guest

    When you know the software well the first thing to look at
    are the release notes for new releases.
    Some firms use manuals with new or changed items
    clearly marked as well. Very handy indeed.

    Incremental change history ....
    Cliff, Jul 4, 2007
  14. Buddy Jim

    jon_banquer Guest

    "SW2004 had a downloadable pdf reference manual written by SW corp.
    Almost 1000 pages. I find it very useful still today."

    Why don't you make this old manual available for downloading?

    Jon Banquer
    San Diego, CA
    jon_banquer, Jul 4, 2007
  15. Buddy Jim

    Cliff Guest

    The mere term "Copyright Violation" never did ring any
    of your bells .... probably scared a few of your bats though.

    In any case, it's probably intended for actual legal users
    with a clue.
    Cliff, Jul 4, 2007
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