SWX Documentation-Matt Lombard Nails It

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Buddy Jim, Jun 28, 2007.

  1. Buddy Jim

    Buddy Jim Guest

    For those of you who do not read Matt Lombard's blog (http://
    www.dezignstuff.com/blog/) his latest entry covers a topic that has
    upset me for years, the lack of documentation on the software that we
    use. Our site has been using SWX since '97 and in that time we have
    seen the quality of the documentation steadily decrease from a
    complete manual to this last release, which came with a small pamphlet
    and a pad of paper. We have 15 seats of SWX plus a few seats of Cosmos
    so our yearly maintenance fee is quite considerable. Would it kill SWX
    to at least create a .PDF file that would explain how to use SWX and
    maybe some direction as to how to get the most out the software? Every
    time I go to SWX World I ask for the same things when I fill out the
    questionnaires (less bugs and a complete set of documentation) but
    nobody seems to care. I do not need a new interface I just want to use
    what is already there. I hope Matt does not mind me including an
    excerpt from his blog but what he says needs to get out and hopefully
    if enough people talk to their VAR's or anyone else that will listen
    maybe the message will get back to SWX headquarters.

    A quote from Matt's blog dated June 27th
    "Selling productivity would mean that SW comes with a complete set of
    documentation. I don't care at this point if it is printed or
    electronic, I just want the information in whatever format I can get
    it. Holding back information - essentially holding information hostage
    - in practical terms means that SW users everywhere are frustrated
    with the tool because they don't know that the power to do ______
    already lies within the grasp of their mouse. There should be no
    "hidden functionality". This is not some video game where a sense of
    wonder at finding a secret room is reward enough, we are talking about
    people's livelihoods here. Full disclosure. I bought something. What
    is it that I bought? Oh, I have to figure it out for myself what I
    bought? I have to in essence reverse engineer the software to figure
    out how to work with it?
    Paying customers are entitled to full documentation. "

    Until SWX does come out with a user manual I recommend buying The
    Solidworks Bible from Matt. A book like this shows how ineffective the
    help files from SWX are.

    Buddy Jim
    Buddy Jim, Jun 28, 2007
  2. Buddy Jim

    wc Guest

    Amen, nothing like searching the help file for a known command name and
    have it return nothing, at the minimum command names and their function
    should be included in Help files.
    wc, Jun 28, 2007
  3. Buddy Jim

    WormSign Guest

    Or even worse it be there but be incorrect...oh wait a minute maybe that's
    why it's so sparce!
    WormSign, Jun 28, 2007
  4. Buddy Jim

    TOP Guest

    The knowledgebase used to be pretty good, but it isn't what it used to

    TOP, Jun 28, 2007
  5. Buddy Jim

    matt Guest

    Thanks, Buddy.

    SolidWorks has been cutting the wrong corners (documentation) for too
    long, and what finally sent me over the edge on this issue is the 2008
    software. There is a lot of good stuff in there. I need to be fair in
    this respect, because I think for assemblies and sketching there are
    some really excellent improvements. But there is also a LOT of fluff
    (pretty images), and frankly some of what I personally think are really
    bad ideas being passed off as good ideas (again mostly in the
    interface). To me, this reflects decision making that is out of step
    with my priorities, and I would guess also the priorities of many
    existing users.

    Fewer options, lame documentation, and a negative effect on interface
    usability and speed is what 08 is all about.

    I don't want to start a flame war here, but we should be talking
    rationally about concrete reasons *why* some of the changes are so bad.
    Specifically *what* areas of the help are the lamest?
    matt, Jun 28, 2007
  6. Buddy Jim

    samurai Guest

    But with an electronic .pdf or .chm, it can be updated, corrected,
    added to easliy. Just think how long it took Matt to write the first
    version of his book, to publishing it, and making sure everything is
    correct. I'm sure he used an electronic version before going to

    Searching an electronic version is way faster, and provides more links
    to other topics. I used to like hard copy books, still have their
    place, but in SW, to carry around Matt's bible is not feasible, or
    just have one copy sitting on a shelf somewhere, or on someone else's

    I do agree that the documentaion should be more elabroate, maybe
    that's where SW should hand it over to people like Matt, to write the
    electronic version to be included with SW. I wish they would put the
    effort into expanding the Help in SW with the savings not going to

    The good thing about a book is they are hard to copy. But an ebook
    can be bought/sold on ebay, emailed, etc. That's bad for Matt.

    samurai, Jun 28, 2007
  7. Buddy Jim

    Bo Guest

    My 2 Rants Of The Day are inadequate search methods in digital manuals
    and help.

    Searching only words it is still sometimes difficult to find what I am
    looking for.

    It would be nice to place limits by searching only the chapter you
    need like "Surfaces" or "Loft", so you get rid of all the other
    garbage results.

    The human mind is set to recognize visual patterns. SolidWorks' Help
    file list of Help Results search shows "Title" but has virtually NO
    VISUAL CLUES. Even Acrobat pdf files have thumbnails of pages, and
    those are often the clue needed to get to one of 15 or 50 pages I

    Ideally, the thumnail goes half or full size if I were to put my
    cursor on the thumbnail for even faster searches.

    Meanwhile, you can imagine why I still work happily mostly on SWks
    2006 because I have so few slowdowns, and limited amount of learning I
    must do to keep doing work.

    Bo, Jun 28, 2007
  8. Buddy Jim

    Bo Guest


    If SolidWorks wants to really let the help file be usable particularly
    in larger groups, then allow the user to put in new content or
    corrections or warnings in the Help file.

    Computers are supposed to do what WE WANT, for our benefit, not the
    other way around.

    Have some companies forgotten that?

    Has Apple's capitalization exceeded Dell's recently because Apple HAS
    NOT forgotten the user?

    Bo, Jun 28, 2007
  9. I keep hoping that someone who owns a kernel will do a knockoff of SWX, et
    al, and bundle it with Linux, OSX, whatever.
    I'm thinking CAD people would jump onto it in droves. Maybe the CAD
    software itself could go open source to some extent?
    You'd think with all the outsourcing, much of the software is available and
    pretty much ready to go.
    bill allemann, Jun 28, 2007
  10. Buddy Jim

    neilscad Guest

    They must be a wee bit upset about this 'press' at HQ
    I think we can say this is probably the last advanced review Matt will
    do for SW ;o)

    Seriously though
    The realview graphics stuff is ok in my book just a release or 2 too
    early - nice to have but not something to rush out and buy a new top
    line card for...
    and I think reflections are a bit over the top but the shadows
    definitely are nice..yeah so cheaper cards in another generation and
    everyone will be happy enough to have it and not think too much of
    it...doesnt mean everyone has to use it though..posssibly it interests
    ID people more
    The question is: Should it have been hung out front as a big feature
    of 08?
    and I think this is where they messed up. Really they should be
    advertising new sketch tools or whatever as being of the most interest
    to users.
    Along with the conspicuous and controversial UI changes it just
    reinforces views that things are going off road at SW
    neilscad, Jun 29, 2007
  11. Buddy Jim

    neilscad Guest

    part 2

    The manual isn't that hot on completeness but its format/style is ok
    The reluctance to include how to use it stuff and surfacing
    explanations is really not good enough though.
    In my mind this is all to do with looking after VARS or at least
    looking after them in the way the business model functions up to now.
    I think we will see a redefinition of what VARS do , how many there
    are locations etc and a pull back from this situation in the near
    In some ways this reminds me of the situation we had here in NZ where
    just about every suburb had a Post Office.
    Its an old way of functioning especially in the days of the internet.
    neilscad, Jun 29, 2007
  12. Buddy Jim

    jon_banquer Guest

    You can rant and rave till the cows come home... you and everyone else
    are wasting your time. SolidWorks isn't the only CADCAM vendor that
    suffers from this problem and the problem isn't going to go away. In
    FACT, it's going to get a lot worse!

    The reality is that expert users are going to have to fill the gap
    with independent videos or books. There is a tremendous opportunity
    for expert users who can teach to make money filling the massive
    documentation gap.

    BTW, in addition to The SolidWorks Bible, SolidProfessor also does a
    very good job. I definitely feel I'm getting my $600 bucks worth from
    the SolidProfessor videos I just purchased. I would have rather given
    the $600 to say Matt or Ed Eaton but I guess they don't need the

    Based on my recommendation a local company is going to buy 5 seats of
    SolidProfessor so the real value from little old me is $3,600. I know
    it's just chump change to all you rich expert SolidWorks users in this
    group. ;>)

    Jon Banquer
    San Diego, CA
    jon_banquer, Jun 29, 2007
  13. Buddy Jim

    Jean Marc Guest

    And you guys have it written in your native language.
    Imagine translation of such a technical stuff is not all that easy, and we
    got "pearls" here of error messages that mean the opposite of the intended.
    (knock your head on the wall 'till you find that one out)
    Even if the overall job is not that bad.
    Jean Marc, Jun 29, 2007
  14. Buddy Jim

    Cliff Guest

    May I remind all of Anvil 4000 and the permutated index?
    Or doing a nice ordered sort in Computervision on the verb-noun
    Cliff, Jun 29, 2007
  15. Buddy Jim

    Cliff Guest

    Well, you could have read the docs I suppose .... or called for a bit of
    support (reserved for legal users that actually have & use the software, eh)?
    You ALREADY left the new job where the real programmer(s)
    & staff used Pro-E?
    I gave you two months tops. How did I do?
    Videos are pretty easy to copy, eh?
    Cliff, Jun 29, 2007
  16. Buddy Jim

    Bo Guest

    No need to remind SolidWorks of Computervision, as the early
    programming group that formed SolidWorks used to work there.

    Bo, Jun 29, 2007
  17. Buddy Jim

    Elmo Guest

    Hello Everyone,

    I just wanted to say that what Aron and Matt have put so well
    into their comments hits the nail on the head. Solidworks is
    loosing focus of what engineers really do and how they earn
    their money to pay for software and subscription.
    One can only hope that more people read these comments and
    look beyond grafic gimmic and demand proper functionality.

    P.S. If it was not for people here in this group, people like Matt,
    Ed, Stefan
    I would only know 10% of what I know now. Thanks to all of you.

    Note to Solidworks, sit back for a moment and think about the complete
    picture. Modeling 3D, pretty pictures etc is only the first couple
    steps in
    designing, you are missing the importance of drawings and reliability.

    By the way, lets give the programers a heads up too, you guys do good
    you just want to do too much in too little time. Take a step back and
    into the
    right direction, quality will always trum pretty colours.

    Elmo, Jun 29, 2007
  18. Buddy Jim

    neilscad Guest

    graphic gimmick
    I'm not so sure it is gimmick.
    Firstly graphics and graphic cards capabilities if an area of ongoing
    development just like perpendicular recording to disks or parallel
    processing ( anyone seen the review of the Intel V8?).
    The realview stuff now in SW is just keeping up with the times...no
    need to be worried about that..some day we will have real time
    raytraced models on the screen...and renderers as we know them will
    If you saw my recent post with a video of accessing a large data set
    of images you might realise that in the future how you interface with
    assemblies and drawings might change quite a bit.
    Is CAD a static tool or an evolving one? ...sliderules anyone? will
    'drawings' still be important in the future?

    In the matter of the appearance its a matter of product distinction I
    I complained as far back as SW2004 eDrawings that the icon style was
    the wrong way to go but no one was listening then...so now we have
    something that people dont particularly like and has the wrong
    Well ok they made a wrong call and committed a lot of resource to it
    and now we have it even if we didnt want it
    Is there a better alternative to the command manager if they wanted to
    change for productivity? dunno..maybe not maybe there is but it can
    only come if other bits are in place first.

    Reliability is really just a matter of management willing to commit
    resource to it - not much sign of change in that area..all sorts of
    beliefs and cultural factors in there...maybe an earthquake in
    awareness could happen some day..hers hoping :eek:)
    neilscad, Jun 29, 2007
  19. Buddy Jim

    Bo Guest

    OK, then I think that with all the fancy graphics stuff, that the user
    ought to have a menu slider or whatever device is good, and if the
    user needs more speed, he slides it towards the word "Performance" or
    if he needs graphic sophistication, the user slides it toward "Hi-Res"
    or similar.

    Give the user PERFORMANCE OPTIONS.

    Bo, Jun 29, 2007
  20. Buddy Jim

    Elmo Guest

    Hello Neils,

    Please show me where this resource intensive graphic display helps
    speed up projects. Maybe in the future resource hogs are no issue,
    at the moment it just slows you down. What good is it if doesn't help.
    If they need it for marketing & research reason, than I agree with Bo,
    give me the option to turn it off.

    Elmo, Jun 29, 2007
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