SWX 2007 - Save As PDF

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by alphawave, Oct 27, 2006.

  1. alphawave

    alphawave Guest

    Just using 2007 for the first time on a live project - anyone noticed
    that saving as a PDF using the built in tool gives a unusually large
    file size compared to using a 3rd party distiller - even with all the
    boxes un-checked in the options.

    Example: Assy saved as PDF = 800Kb - Assy "printed" as PDF using PDF995
    = 173Kb

    I seem to remember in previous versions that the internlly created PDF
    was always a smaller file size than those created by a 3rd party

    Is this peculiar to my systems (I've tried it on 2 different
    installations) or is it something that is a consequence of the change
    from Bluebeam, or is it 2007 or have I missed something?

    alphawave, Oct 27, 2006
  2. alphawave

    Zander Guest

    It has options now, and one I believe is high quality which is selected
    by default....?
    Zander, Oct 27, 2006
  3. alphawave

    Pete Guest

    Yes, I can confirm this. Saved a couple of files as PDF and also
    printed them to PDF using Acrobat.
    File 1 - 490Kb (Save As), 113Kb (print)
    File 2 - 400Kb (Save As), 93Kb (print)
    About a 4:1 increase.
    Both the Save As files were with high quality switched off.

    Pete, Oct 27, 2006
  4. alphawave

    alphawave Guest

    Thanks Pete,

    I'm glad I'm not going nuts!

    Anyone know why it is so?

    alphawave, Oct 27, 2006
  5. alphawave

    Robert Guest

    is it saving the 3dPDF info with it? I don't know but a theory.
    Robert, Oct 31, 2006
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