SWW CD's Advanced Modeling Presentation

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by mbiasotti, Apr 20, 2005.

  1. mbiasotti

    mbiasotti Guest

    Most of you will have received your SolidWorks World CD in the mail
    this week. If you'd like to view the Advanced Modeling 101 and 201
    presentations and work with the SolidWorks files along with the
    presentation, the PP links are wrong and they won't work. The fix is
    for you to create 2 directories on your computer

    C:\Documents and Settings\mBiasotti\My Documents\SWWorld 2005\example

    C:\Documents and Settings\mBiasotti\My Documents\SWWorld

    and place all the files of the contents zip file
    (mbiasotti-advanced-modeling101-201-content.zip)in both newly created


    Mark Biasotti
    mbiasotti, Apr 20, 2005
  2. mbiasotti

    TOP Guest


    I haven't seen it yet.
    TOP, Apr 20, 2005
  3. mbiasotti

    TOP Guest

    Got it. Almost mistook it for an AOL mailing or a CD catalog.

    I was kind of surprised at how much content didn't get covered in the
    assembly performance session. Glad they took the time to give us the
    whole story.
    TOP, Apr 24, 2005
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