SWW Agenda, Especially Sunday

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Jerry Steiger, Sep 24, 2007.

  1. Does anyone have any information on when the SWW Agenda will be posted? I'm
    particularly interested in whether there will be Sunday sessions to discuss
    SW future directions. Also wondering if there will be a full set of sessions
    on Wednesday afternoon. I would like to make my plane and hotel reservations
    early, but would hate to make them soon and then end up missing something I
    really want to see.

    Jerry Steiger
    Jerry Steiger, Sep 24, 2007
  2. I was told the preliminary agenda should be posted early this week.
    robrrodriguez, Sep 24, 2007

  3. Thanks, Rob. I see this morning that a link to a partial agenda is up, but
    it doesn't actually go anywhere. Since people have until Friday to submit
    proposals for papers, I guess I'm getting a little previous.

    I assume that we will see your name amongst the presenters?

    Jerry Steiger
    Jerry Steiger, Sep 25, 2007
  4. The preliminary agenda is up now, although it only shows the sessions by
    topic, not by date and time.
    Yep! But only one presentation on PhotoWorks. Bummer.

    An even bigger bummer for me is only one presentation by Ed Eaton, and that
    one not necessarily focused on surfacing. And no presentation at all by Mark
    Biasotti or Matt Lombard. I sure hope that changes!

    Jerry Steiger
    Jerry Steiger, Sep 26, 2007
  5. Jerry Steiger

    doyle808 Guest

    It will!
    doyle808, Sep 26, 2007
  6. Hi Jerry,

    I have one PW presentation, a session on the CSWP/CSWA exam and I'll
    also be part of a sort of "Stump the Chump" Q&A, problem solving
    session with a number of the SW bloggers & power users.
    robrrodriguez, Sep 26, 2007
  7. So obviously you've seen the preliminary agenda now, but I wanted to
    let you know you can expect the real agenda in a month or so. I don't
    have answers to all of your specific questions about individual
    speakers, but I know Mark Biasotti will be presenting.

    Nancy Buchino
    nancy.buchino, Oct 2, 2007

  8. Thanks. I look forward to seeing the show!

    Jerry Steiger
    Jerry Steiger, Oct 2, 2007
  9. Thanks for the comment. I just don't have anything new on the subject
    beyond what I have already covered (all available on my wy company
    website - www.dimontegroup.com, under the tutorials tab) When it
    comes to 'Curvy Stuff' I don't want to do it unless I have something
    new - I don't have problems with modeling curvy things anymore beyond
    those already discussed and addressed.

    That's why I have teamed up with Phil Sluder to work on problems
    submitted to us by attendees. If you have a problem, send it to us
    and we'll take a crack at it. AND you get the benefit of getting two
    (potentially different) ways to solve the situation, or at least
    explain it.
    Post files to https://www.filesdirect.com/triaxialdesign.

    Got a problem you want to learn about, drive the agenda by posting
    problems to us. I don't care if it all turns into surfacing, but this
    time it could be what you need, not what I think someone needs (or
    what I learned I needed to do what I wanted to do)

    ps I think its interesting that the blog-squad is doing a similar
    presentation. I think its great.
    Edward T Eaton, Oct 3, 2007
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