SWW 2005 here I come!

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Muggs, Oct 12, 2004.

  1. Muggs

    Muggs Guest

    Well, I did it!
    I signed up for SWW and I got in everything I wanted with one exception, so
    I'm happy.

    BTW, wouldn't it be cool if there was a repository of pix of the peeps
    going, so you would know who's who so you could approach (or avoid) someone
    to say HI.

    Ed Eaton - Other than re-reading the Curvy Stuff 101 & 201, is there
    anything I could do to prepare for Curvy Stuff 301???

    It's a small world after all.....

    Muggs, Oct 12, 2004
  2. Come to the SWUGN meeting - Richard & I will be there. Maybe others also.
    Let' see, I'll be wearing....I don't know - I don't even know what I wore
    yesterday! Anyway, you'll find me. :)

    Wayne Tiffany, Oct 12, 2004
  3. Maybe you could prepare some brownies to share with the room?

    I really haven't decided what I am going to present this time around.
    The '301' part of the title came from SolidWorks (I was getting ready to
    ditch the college numbering scheme because some folks got 102 and 201 mixed
    up). They wanted to show a progression from last eyar, and I think they
    also wanted to tie them into Mark Biasottis presentations.
    That said, I know that I am going to try to build on the work of the last
    couple of years and go into a slightly different area. I think I'm inclined
    to continue with the notion of using an understanding of UV lines to help
    figure out how to break up a product into digestable pieces, work out loft
    problems, etc... so reviewing the last half of CS201 would be helpful.
    I'd also like to revisit the manual construction of shells and overmold
    surfaces because the way I showed it a couple of years ago is out of date -
    there's much better, simpler approaches now. I just don't know if I'll have
    time to do both.
    I will try to work with Mark Biasotti so we aren't covering the same

    Be sure to introduce yourself!... no, wait, it'll be obvious who you are
    because you'll be the guy with the brownies. I'll come to you.
    Edward T Eaton, Oct 12, 2004
  4. Is that like an apple for the teacher?? :)


    Wayne Tiffany, Oct 12, 2004
  5. Nah... brownies are way better than some apple. Unfortunatley, its hard to
    speak with a mouth full of brownies.
    I was pushing for treats for the room - I like a happy audience.
    Edward T Eaton, Oct 12, 2004
  6. Muggs

    Scott Guest

    Well I'll be there too it looks like too... but I'm going to be with our
    VAR, so I can't join in on the Round table. But I hope you know I'm there
    with you! I have spent more time as a User versus in the VAR area. I hope to
    meet some of you before I leave to come back home that following week.

    You just take Beer and Brownies into the RT disscussion meeting!


    Scott Baugh, CSWP
    Scott, Oct 12, 2004
  7. Muggs

    Christine Guest

    Don't worry Muggs....Wayne will be the strange man that runs up, hugs
    you and then tells you his name. :)

    Christine, Oct 13, 2004
  8. Hey, that was just for you! Now everyone will expect it....

    Wayne Tiffany, Oct 13, 2004
  9. Muggs

    Muggs Guest

    Hey Wayne, when is the SWUGN meeting?
    And I'm assuming that it's SolidWorks Users Group National?????? meeting.

    I will definatly look for you, and trust me, I'm OK with no hug.

    Muggs, Oct 13, 2004
  10. According to the schedule, it's Monday 4:30 - 6:00 pm. Hopefully anyone
    that has an interest in user groups will attend - it's a pretty fun time.
    Also a good place to meet.

    Wayne Tiffany, Oct 13, 2004
  11. Muggs,
    SWUGN stands for SolidWorks User Group Network, formerly SNUG (SolidWorks
    National User Group). We changed the name a couple of years ago because
    there really isn't a "National" user group. For more information about who
    we are and what we do, visit the SWUGN website at www.swugn.org

    The yearly meeting has been held every year since New Orleans. It started as
    a "round-table" (literally, we sat in chairs in a big circle) discussion,
    but has evolved along with the number of user groups into something a little
    bigger. Heck, last year we even fed everyone. It's a good meeting (65+) last
    year of user group leaders, those interested in becoming a group leader, or
    simply users looking for more information about groups.

    We'd like to know what you want to hear about this year. We had a great
    presentation last year from each region, and we announced the addition of
    two international reps to the committee. Typically, we do a "State of the
    User Groups" address, and then have an open forum.

    Every committee rep will attend, we'll have some food set-up, and some
    really great folks in attendance.

    Hugs are optional.

    Richard Doyle
    SolidWorks User Group Network
    Southern US Region
    Richard Doyle, Oct 13, 2004
  12. Muggs

    Muggs Guest


    I'm a member of a local UG
    (http://home.comcast.net/~jose.umana/MASWUG/users.htm) and I like it a lot,
    so much so that my only complaint is we don't meet enough.
    We meet every quarter, so if I have to work, and miss a meeting, I'll have
    to wait 6 months.

    So, thanks, I'll be there, sounds like a good time.

    Muggs, Oct 14, 2004
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