SWW 2005 - Feelings

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by P., Feb 4, 2005.

  1. P.

    P. Guest

    Don't get me wrong, I am a big fan of the Tuttles and their product,
    BUT, it is so unlike what I face daily in my job. I watch AC/OCC at
    night to relax. I enjoy watching PJ sketch on a piece of metal and then
    cut it out and planish it into shape because it is so unlike the job of
    documenting a design for production that we do daily. With OCC, the
    bike is it's own documentation. The bikes are one of a kind.

    So we stand up and put our hands together. That is fine, but it has
    nothing to do with what we do daily. Somehow that feeling of COOL and
    made in Milwaukee is supposed to transfer into a feeling of
    satisfaction with SW. Feelings don't make a product work and they
    shouldn't be part of the decision to use a certain piece of software.

    The feelings I want are the little ones that come on a daily basis when
    I can go from idea to documentation without workarounds or CTDT and
    without waiting. Beyond feelings I want SW to get it right. Speed,
    accuracy and dependability at a reasonable cost.
    P., Feb 4, 2005
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