SWUGN Summit - Charlotte

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by doyle808, Sep 5, 2006.

  1. doyle808

    doyle808 Guest

    doyle808, Sep 5, 2006
  2. Let me offer my comment here. You may think that I am a bit biased (and you
    would be correct) but I think that these SWUGN Summits are a great deal.
    For a very small fee, you get a day's worth of classes, food, time to talk
    with other users from your area, and the opportunity to meet some SW folks.
    The one we had here in Kansas City was a fair bit of work to put together,
    but I was told by many people that they really appreciated it. The fact
    that we put together training, food (did I mention that?), door prizes, etc.
    and they didn't even have to spend more than one day away from work, let
    more people attend than will be able to attend SWW. Sure, it's a wee bit
    smaller than SWW, but most of the same benefits.

    So, if you are in that area, strongly consider going - these events are only
    as good as the people that choose to attend. :)

    Wayne Tiffany, Sep 5, 2006
  3. doyle808

    guynoir Guest

    The food was very good in Seattle, and either of the the door prizes
    (admission to the next Solid Works World or a space pilot) would have
    paid for the trip about twice, (if I'd won it).

    John Kimmel
    guynoir, Sep 5, 2006
  4. I have to agree Wayne. My opinion may be biased also (having presented at
    two of these events)But I don't know of anywhere else a person can be
    exposed too this much "quality" SolidWorks information for such a small fee.

    But I don't knowof anywhere else a person can be exposed too this much
    "quality" SolidWorks infornation for such a small fee.
    Rob Rodriguez, Sep 6, 2006
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