SWP files stored on a network drive, getting locked by users?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by SW Monkey, May 23, 2006.

  1. SW Monkey

    SW Monkey Guest

    We have several SWP files stored on a network drive for all users to
    access. Whenever we update a macro, we simply overwrite the old SWP
    file. Sometimes I get a window stating that the file is in use. Not
    knowing how to see who is using it, we get everyone to exit SolidWorks.

    Is there a way to prevent this file from being locked? The folder that
    we are keeping these files is write-protected so only (2) people in
    engineer can write, but everyone can read.
    SW Monkey, May 23, 2006
  2. SW Monkey

    Mr. Who Guest

    I have noticed problems like this myself. When you close a macro after
    editing it SolidWorks doesn't always give up a connection to it. You
    have to actually quit SolidWorks in order to free the file up for
    editing. If the file is read only to all but two users then my guess
    would be that only those two users can be responsible for locking the
    file up. Only those two should require a SolidWorks shutdown to
    restore proper file access.

    Instead of overwriting the .swp you could instead increment a version
    number. In this case you will always be creating a new file and not
    overwriting the old. That should solve your problem. MyFile_1.0.4.swp.
    Mr. Who, May 23, 2006
  3. SW Monkey

    TOP Guest

    I save over these files even if SW seems to complain and it writes the
    new version. Like you everyone has readonly and I have read/write.
    TOP, May 23, 2006
  4. SW Monkey

    fcsuper Guest

    SW Monkey,

    Easy solution. Easier than you might imagine, though a little

    Simply rename the whole folder which has the locked files AND move that
    folder INTO another folder.

    THEN copy that folder from its new location to its old location and
    rename it back to the original name.

    Once IT gets around to resetting the server, delete the extra folder.

    I've used this method with success multiple times already.

    fcsuper, May 24, 2006
  5. SW Monkey

    fcsuper Guest


    This doesn't work with files that are locked because the network thinks
    someone is using them. This normally only works if the macro's on
    one's own system when you get that error.

    fcsuper, May 24, 2006
  6. SW Monkey

    TOP Guest

    The SWP files I am speaking of are on a mapped network share.
    TOP, May 24, 2006
  7. SW Monkey

    mirr02 Guest

    I thik you could try to use certain free program called UNLOCKER.
    Simply right click the file and click Unlock. It will remove all locks
    from file and will be able to edit it or replace it whenever you like.
    Users won't even notice it.
    You can download it from http://ccollomb.free.fr/unlocker/#download
    Hope I have helped you...

    mirr02, May 24, 2006
  8. SW Monkey

    SW Monkey Guest

    That option wont work for me. If you rename the SWP file, then
    everyone will have to repoint to the new one. If you keep the filename
    the same, no action is required by all users.
    SW Monkey, May 24, 2006
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