Swks Trolls & Grifters

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Bo, Sep 7, 2007.

  1. Bo

    Gary K Guest

    With jb's obvious imparement, it shouldn't suprise anyone that he
    forgets what he previously said and can only parrot himself as in the
    reply to your post.

    Link to jb disorder:

    Gary K, Sep 10, 2007
  2. Bo

    Gary K Guest

    Link the the dread jb disorder:


    Gary K, Sep 10, 2007
  3. Bo

    Gary K Guest

    Gary K, Sep 10, 2007
  4. Bo

    Gary K Guest

    Here is what causes posters like jb:


    Gary K, Sep 10, 2007
  5. Bo

    Gary K Guest

    This condition is further agrevated by the condition described in this link:


    Gary K, Sep 10, 2007
  6. Bo

    brewertr Guest

    You forgot to post this part of his review;

    "I started to use SolidWorks a year ago." meaning he is a beginner
    with a little more experience than you Jon.
    Which he is not.
    Just like you Jon to focus on the negative but that was one out of

    And then the other reviews:

    You should have read this one Jon,

    "Not for the beginner" July 5, 2007 written by;
    "As a relative new user, less than a year"
    Comprehensive and Accessible SolidWorks Information, June 28, 2007
    Absolutely the Best SolidWorks How-To Source Available, June 28, 2007
    A "Must Have" SolidWorks Resource, June 12, 2007
    If you buy one SolidWorks book, this is it, June 11, 2007
    I bought this book as an answer to my need for a more "intermediate
    level" reference. It has met most all my expectations thus far. June
    11, 2007
    I recommend this book for all SolidWorks users, June 11, 2007
    Not for the new user, May 31, 2007

    Where he goes on to say:

    "I am a relatively new SolidWorks user with less than two years of
    experience with the product and bought this book on recommendations
    from several SolidWorks user websites. Those recommendations were
    right on the mark. The author is a highly respected guru in the
    SolidWorks community, and he shares many of the little tips and tricks
    learned since the earliest releases. This is what has been the most
    helpful to me because many of these tips are not found in the training
    Not as good as the AutoCAD Bible series, May 25, 2007

    <snip><then he goes on to say>

    "I switched from AutoCAD to SolidWorks a few months ago."
    Wow!, May 8, 2007

    "Wow, this is about 1100 pages of very in-depth SolidWorks info.
    Advanced topics you won't find in other places like surfacing,
    multibodies, etc."


    Every negative review is from an inexperienced or beginning user.

    Again if anyone read the Author's notes they (and you) would have seen
    he wrote the book for intermediate and advanced users with some
    information for beginners.

    brewertr, Sep 10, 2007
  7. Bo

    FlowerPot Guest

    The "truth"? When did you become interested int he "truth"? Do you even
    know what that is? How do you know the "truth" about these things or

    What is so funny is that you think you are the only person on usenet who
    knows the "truth"! Did you read any of that narcissistic personality
    thread? If there is some sort of scandal where the truth is being
    hidden, maybe we can get Wolf Blitzer on it, or Giraldo Rivera! These
    guys are also keepers of the "truth" when no one else has the guts to
    tell it! Although they have more credibility than you, Jon.

    Does the "truth" have anything to do with the multiple contexts switch
    or the Flex feature? By advocating stuff like this, you are revealing
    yourself to be the truly clueless idiot.

    Still don't have any suggestions for manufacturing brackets designed
    with the flex feature, do you? I'll wait for that. Why do you refuse to
    tell us how you would manufacture "flexed" parts, Jon? Too clueless perhaps?
    FlowerPot, Sep 10, 2007
  8. Bo

    brewertr Guest

    You mean all those years they posted record sales, growth and profits?

    brewertr, Sep 10, 2007
  9. Bo

    brewertr Guest

    Would that be where you pass judgment on programs you don't know and
    don't use....LIKE SolidWorks.........and every CAD/CAM OR CAD OR CAM
    program you pass judgment on?

    "Without a doubt SaladWorks is a complete piece of shit" - Jon Banquer
    - May 21, 2006

    HOW DID YOU KNOW JON? When you later go on to say:

    "I've been away from SolidWorks for almost ten years. At this point I
    spend the majority of my day on SolidWorks 2007. The program has
    changed so much in ten years that I'm still way behind where I need to
    be." - Jon Banquer - Aug. 26, 2007


    brewertr, Sep 10, 2007
  10. Bo

    jon_banquer Guest

    A person in San Diego on a warm summer Sunday who has nothing more to
    It's a nice break between watching SolidProfessor videos and doing the
    examples. :>)
    jon_banquer, Sep 10, 2007
  11. Bo

    Cliff Guest

    He'll forget the hard-earned skill in a bit.
    Slow learner. Very.
    Cliff, Sep 10, 2007
  12. Bo

    Cliff Guest

    I doubt it's bright enough to do that.
    "Posted by Walt Stoll on March 16, 2002 at 08:53:29:"
    Cliff, Sep 11, 2007
  13. Bo

    Cliff Guest

    So they let someone with but a *claimed* GED buy (or otherwise obtain) a copy?
    Cliff, Sep 11, 2007
  14. Bo

    Cliff Guest

    Such as CAD/CAM or CAM packages?
    And many (most) decided to get something much better ...
    Tell us again how good it is at 5 axis or 2D lathe ?
    Cliff, Sep 11, 2007
  15. Bo

    Cliff Guest

    Dec 6 2002:
    Major New Features:
    Support for Disjoint Parts (Multibody Parts)

    2007-2002 = 5 YEARS.
    CLUE: This is much like 7-2=5

    " .. I moved to VX .." - jon banquer on Sep 4 2007
    Not that he bought it or had a legal copy ..

    " .. In real life, a disjoint body is an assembly .."

    BTW, When did clueless steal the buzzwords & from whose post?
    Archives before 2002 seem .....

    Cliff, Sep 11, 2007
  16. Bo

    Cliff Guest

    He's not a troll. Not bright enough, for starters.
    He's obsessive & ignorant & a con-artist full of
    clueless buzzwords.
    He actually has few clues what the terms mean.
    Cliff, Sep 11, 2007
  17. Bo

    Cliff Guest

    SolidProfessor also does a very good job. I definitely feel I'm getting my $600
    bucks worth from the SolidProfessor videos I just purchased.
    ] - jon banquer on Jun 29 2007

    I hope to finish the SolidProfessor videos I just
    purchased ( $600 Professional Package) in the next 2 weeks. When I do,
    I'll spend the $25 for the myigetit SolidWorks 2007 course
    ] - jon banquer on Jul 15 2007

    Today is Sept 11 2007 and he's still not managed to "watch"
    the videos ....

    Looks like they (SolidProfessor videos) max out at a total of
    about 937 minutes or 15.61 hours. Call it two days.

    He's been drooling (or lying) again.
    Cliff, Sep 11, 2007
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