SWks 2006 Won't Read .x_t files from 2007?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Bo, Feb 28, 2007.

  1. Bo

    Bo Guest

    Damn, Now I've been forced to get 2007 before SP4!

    A moldmaker updated every one of about a hundred files on a new mold
    to 2007. (He must not have enough to do to keep himself busy.)

    So I asked him to send the mold base/inserts in Parasolid so I could
    open them in 2006 as dumb solids.

    But...2006 will not open the x_t files. Any other time I have opened
    x_t files (maybe dozens of situations), they have worked just fine, so
    I never thought about this issue.

    Any clue as to why Swks 2006 will not open these when sent from Swks

    Thanks - Bo
    Bo, Feb 28, 2007
  2. Bo

    Jean Marc Guest

    Have them saved to an older version of parasolid (ie: v16.1 for 2006 SP5.1)
    (options in the save as box)
    Jean Marc, Feb 28, 2007
  3. Bo

    POH Guest

    must be that the latest version (17.1) in SolidWorks 2007 was used to
    output the files which SolidWorks 2006 can NOT import because the most
    recent Parasolids version it supports is 16.1

    As a result, in SolidWorks 2007 it will be necessary to change the
    Parasolids version through the OPTIONS available in the File/Save As
    dialog box for .X_T file output to 16.1 (or lower) before the files
    are created for export to 2006.

    Per O. Hoel

    p.s. This isn't just an issue for versions of SolidWorks. If
    Parasolids files are exported for use in Unigraphics, for example, the
    need to write them with an earlier kernel may also exist...
    POH, Feb 28, 2007
  4. Bo

    Bo Guest

    Glad to have you guys clue me in, as I hadn't known this before, and I
    didn't recall seeing it on the SWks group before.

    Thanks Again - Bo
    Bo, Feb 28, 2007
  5. Bo

    TOP Guest

    Happens all the time. Just send a parasolid to a CNC or UG guy. SW
    keeps up to date, many other vendors don't.
    TOP, Feb 28, 2007
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