SWks 2004 File Size Changes

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Bo Clawson, Jul 3, 2004.

  1. Bo Clawson

    Bo Clawson Guest

    I see some files formerly 5-6 megs quickly balloon to 14 megs.

    Save As and they return to 4-5 megs.

    Save again and they hit back toward 12-13 megs.

    Why the bloat?

    Bo Clawson, Jul 3, 2004
  2. Bo Clawson

    Jim Sculley Guest

    One word. Microsoft. SW uses OLE Structured Storage for its file
    format, which is the soruce of the wild swings in file size.

    Jim S.
    Jim Sculley, Jul 3, 2004
  3. Bo Clawson

    Craig Guest

    Parasolid information is by far the greatest bloating cause. We have some
    files that when parasolid information is squeezed their size decreases by a
    factor of over 100. Solidworks does this as a service to us because
    parasolid information means that as you roll back and forth in the tree you
    dont have to rebuild...it just stores a parasolid every so many features. So
    now imagine you have a 400 feature multibody part with surfaces, thickens,
    shells, fills and all that nasty stuff. We are looking at PART files on the
    order of 500MB!!!

    Open a couple parts like that and you WILL get a FREE trip to the
    desktop...even with the 3Gb switch enabled. Thanks Soildworks...you make my
    work so much faster because now I have to open and rebuild a stupid 500MB
    file (which takes about 5-10 min) say 10 times a day (100 min)...Is this
    worth the time saved in rebuild???? Not to mention the interuption in

    Sorry Im a little frustated by this file size issue...it sucks. Get it right

    Craig, Jul 8, 2004
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