Switched "Close" and "HELP" button positions..?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Carl Howarth, Oct 14, 2005.

  1. Carl Howarth

    Carl Howarth Guest

    Hey all,

    Am I the only one who noticed that SW reversed the position of the "Close"
    and "Help" buttons in the 'What's Wrong' dialogue box during failed

    I just installed '06 last weekend, and I'm finding it incredibly annoying
    that some programmer took the time to make a change that is adversely
    affecting productivity. Been a user since 1997, and NOW someone switched
    these positions?

    I guess this tiny annoyance fits in with the common theme here that SW
    doesn't pay much attention to users or it's interface. There was a time
    when I RAVED about SW, and certainly helped them sell a few copies. No

    Best Regards,
    Carl Howarth, Oct 14, 2005
  2. Carl Howarth

    matt Guest

    No, you're not the only one who noticed that. I kept wondering why the
    Help dialog kept popping up when I closed out of errors. At first I
    chalked it up to user clumsiness, but after a while realized it wasn't
    my clumsiness. Someone else I was talking to has complained about it as
    well. Anyone using SP1 see if that has been fixed?
    matt, Oct 14, 2005
  3. Carl Howarth

    rider89 Guest

    I'm starting to think that there is some kind of conspiracy wherein a rival
    economy has
    bribed the swx programmers to insert numerous "enhancements" and "features"
    into each
    release which, as we know, mostly impede productivity.
    Meanwhile, an underground version, available to this rival economy, has the
    speed, stability, and UI that greatly
    resembles swx2001.

    just a thought :)
    rider89, Oct 17, 2005
  4. Carl Howarth

    Carl Howarth Guest

    LOL Bill! I shot off a scathing email to SW, hinting at the same. I told
    them that I'd like to find the moron who made that switch, and switch the
    brake and clutch pedals in his car. Or just randomnly rearrange 5 keys in
    his keyboard.

    Carl Howarth, Oct 17, 2005
  5. Carl Howarth

    Jason Guest

    That's funny.....

    Remind's that several years ago on Mechanical Desktop V3 I think, there
    was a dialogue where if you selected the "?" icon on the dialogue
    header, and selected the "Help" button at the button of the dialgue, it
    gave you a message something like "This is the help button you idiot".
    Jason, Oct 17, 2005
  6. Carl Howarth

    Tin Man Guest

    One of my favorites is how they program the same mnemonic character for
    multiple selections in the same menu. In SW2003, RMB then d was
    dimension. In SW2004, Smart Dimension and More Dimensions both have the
    m underlined. So of course <sarcastic> the command lowest on the list
    is the one with the highest priority (i.e. the one that the m responds
    to). So there is no way to keyboard access one of the most commonly
    used commands (Smart Dimension) from a RMB menu. Also, I believe that
    the Insert menu had 3 with the letter b at one point in time.

    Then they assign a different mnemonic character for the same command
    depending on which menu the command appears on (Main Menu, RMB Graphics
    Area, or RMB Feature Tree). Component properties was the one that
    really annoyed me in SW2003, it wasn't the same anywhere. Then of
    course, each of these characters changes between major releases.

    My most favorite of these is how the mnemonic character when RMB'ing a
    component part (SW2003 or SW2004, I forget which) when I want to open
    it...and the character changes depending on the filename...so there is
    no standard character so good luck reading that paragraph of a menu
    (every time) instead using the keyboard to quickly select the item you

    Why do I look for and use the mnemonics...comes from using computers
    before the mouse was invented. I guess old habits are hard to
    forget...BUT it is MUCH faster than mousing once you have the
    keystrokes memorized.

    Anyway, I have stopped looking at SW's mnemonics and have everything
    programmed in my keyboard or use a macro to call them. This way I am in
    complete control no matter what they choose to dictate I should be
    using...at least until they take that functionality away :)

    That's my rant for the day :^),
    Tin Man, Oct 18, 2005
  7. Carl Howarth

    Drew Guest

    It was nice to get that email Carl. Really brightened my day.
    Drew, Oct 18, 2005
  8. Carl Howarth

    Carl Howarth Guest

    Hello Drew,

    If you were, in fact, the recipient of my frustration, what was the last
    comment in the email? If you had it, you'll see that my frustration was
    directed towards the programmer AND someone else.

    How did this thing get released ? No internal users noticed something
    different about that dialog? When you've been using SW as long as I have,
    the positions of those buttons is more than automatic. After hitting the
    correct position (and incorrect button) 6 times in a row, I was ready to
    strangle someone.

    Again, if you were the brunt of my frustration, I apologize. But the fact
    stands that this little change was a huge mistake to release.

    Carl Howarth, Oct 18, 2005
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