sweeping the value of a capacitor in a subcircuit

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Mohit, Apr 5, 2007.

  1. Mohit

    Mohit Guest


    I have a testbench that has 3 instances of a subcircuit called
    DTC_NEA. This subcircuit is basically a differential buffer and it has
    a couple of ideal capacitors with identical values in it. The top
    level testbench puts these three buffers in a chain and also has the
    necessary bias and voltage sources needed to make it work.

    What I need to do is to sweep the value of these caps from 5fF to 50fF
    and see what effect it has on the delay. How do I go about doing this?
    I don't use the ADE tool, but do everything on the command line.

    Currently, in my schematic, I have given the caps a value of C, which
    is a parameter. Here is my sweep statement:

    sweep_cap sweep sub=DTC_NEA param=C start=5e-15 stop=50e-15
    step=53-15 {
    tran tran stop=5n maxstep=20p errpreset=moderate write="spectre.ic"
    writefinal="spectre.fc" annotate=status maxiters=5

    Also, my subcircuit definition for DTC_NEA looks like this:

    subckt DTC_NEA IS ISb Ts odp VB6Q VCC3
    parameters C=5e-15
    C0 (VCC3 t0) capacitor c=C
    C1 (VCC3 t0b) capacitor c=C
    ends DTC_NEA

    I use the following command to run the spectre netlist (sp.scs):

    spectre sp.scs > sp.raw/Spectre.out

    When I run the test, I get the following error:

    "Error found by spectre during Sweep analysis 'sweep_cap'.
    Subckt instance 'DTC_NEA' does not exist.

    Does this mean that I have to give the instance name of the buffer
    rather than the subcircuit name in the sweep statement? If so, how do
    I ensure that the cap value changes for all three instances and not
    just for one?

    Any help would be appreciated.


    Mohit A.
    Mohit, Apr 5, 2007
  2. Mohit

    S. Badel Guest

    Currently, in my schematic, I have given the caps a value of C, which
    First note : step=53-15 seems a bit high ;)

    About the sweep, if you use sub=, it expects the name of a subcircuit instance. I do not think it is
    possible to specify multiple instances here.

    What you should do is define a global parameter and "propagate" it to all subcircuit instances.
    Then, do not specify sub= in your sweep statement.

    simulator lang=spectre
    parameters C=5e.15 .....
    I1 (...) DTC_NEA C=C
    I2 (...) DTC_NEA C=C
    I3 (...) DTC_NEA C=C
    sweep cap sweep param=C start=5e-15 stop=50e-15 step=53-15 {

    Hope this'll work,

    S. Badel, Apr 5, 2007
  3. Mohit

    Mohit Guest

    Thanks, that worked well for me! and the step size was meant to be
    5e-15. :)

    Mohit, Apr 5, 2007
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